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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
It’s fun to speculate what you will get…
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Waiter, please, take back my mutton, it’s only well-done.
Come to our restaurant, we guarantee you’ll have a blast!
I think I’m going to have an exploson belly if I eat the Wu Dan blasting powder.
What seems honey is probably bee puke.
Also, I would be interested by the difference between blasting powder, third-like explosion and explos on belly. Powerful stuff.
I don’t know if its the MSG or what but this blows me away.
I’ve heard of taking a mild laxative. But Blasting Powder….Indeed!
After all that, I imagine Beijing City would be toast. So I guess babequed is logical.
Special of the day: Burned Tiger
Gigot is better than Bigot.
Do you serve Pepsi fried beef here?
Culiu wood to be? Sounds like a job for the Erection Development Organization.
Explos on belly isn’t very satisfying, but it least it comes out quickly.
Give it an hour after ingestion, then the explosion occurs…
The Chinese sure have funny names for alternative music groups.
Third-like explosion… glad is not Turd-like.
Stupid wall street! I dumped all of my money into a barbecue speculation, and what am I now? Burned Mutton?
Wow! I never got a free fireworks display with my meal before.
gigot = Leg of lamb or veal suitable for roasting.
Therefore: Gigot sands = lamb sandwich.
At this rate, I will make sense of the whole menu, in, say, 300 years.
It Seems Honey…from the makers of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.
Excuse me waiter, I need 5 Sands Gigots for a funeral procession today.
Sounds like a lumberjack restaurant – they have blasting power and they eat trees! (wood to be… still can’t decipher that one)
I told him not eat that blasting powder, now he’ll be in the bathroom all night!
Color bitch give me erection development and explos on belly
Umm…is McDonald’s still open?
What seems honey?… That bee “byproduct” didn’t sell well with the more “unpolite” name…
Clearly this is in China, or there would be diet-coke bbq as well.
It seems Honey, I’m so sorry about Explos on belly. I swear that’s never happened before…
Coke fried beef? Is the coke a powder or a marinade?
The third like explosion comes after the Wu Dan blasting powder
I’d like mine with Diet Coke fried beef please.
And if you take all Beijing City’s Barbeque your belly MUST explos!
I’d like a table for two in the Non-Blasting section please…
What’s for dinner?
Mutton, honey
Mmmm, everything sounds so good….
(“Wood to be” *might* be bamboo shoots…)
Chris: “Mutton, honey — it seems.”
Crouching mutton, Hidden honey.
DUCK season!
MUTTON season!
DUCK season!…..
Egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage spam and blasting powder…
Beef and Explosives… it’s what’s for dinner.
OK, Re-write:
Crouching Honey, Hidden Explosives!
(And the crouching honey just MIGHT be Zhang Ziyi.)
“Barbeque Speculation” … and I thought “mystery meat” was scary enough.
Well, first-like, it sounds, like, kinda noisy.
Is it at least tasty-like ?
Today’s Special: Fried Donut Curry
I’ll take ‘It Seems Honey’ for 400, Alex.
I am a native Chinese speaker.
Only two items there were translated roughly correctly.
“It seems to be honey,” and the last one.
However, I have no idea what kind of food, “It seems to be honey” is.
“Wood to be” æœ¨é ˆ, I think you call it musu in American pseudo-Chinese restaurants?
It’s cassia, a kind of flower, related to cinnamon. The dish was originally called egg noodles, but it was popular with the eunuchs in the Ming dynasty court, and they were very sensitive about the word ‘eggs’ so the name was changed to cassia noodles. No kidding.
“Hmm… I dunno, it looks more like it’s been sautéed than barbecued. What do you think, dear?”.
Third-like explosion. Because with all the blasting powder and Explos on bellies, they kind of lost count.
Pete: Everyone knows it’s baseball season!