Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I blame myself…
posted on 11 Dec 2009 in Engrish from Other Countries
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First he shut the door on us, the he froze poor Johnny!
Beware the vicious freezers running down the road.
“Help! Our freezers had just gone postal! Call the cops!”
— Hello, is your freezer running?
— Nope. Just out of control.
Hah! If you think THAT’S cold and psycho, you should meet my wife!
It has been geting a lot of ice lately.
In future we will use Valium in it, instead of Freon.
This is the police, we have the place surrounded, come out with your hams up!
If we can’t rely on a freezer to just CHILL, is there any hope?
Things have gotten serious now. Five minutes ago the freezer was empty, now he has taken alot of hostages!
so is the owner of the store.
still, better than that “out of control” toilet …
It was all due to his childhood.
His father was a beer fridge,
And his mother was a drugs safe.
Anyone know how to stop it cold?
I guess I’ll have to get the non-frozen control.
And this microwave has been court ordered into anger management.
You do realize that if the Liberals would just let us discipline our freezers when they are young, we would have fewer problems when they grow up!
I told him to “just chill” and got a frosty reception.
Shut him in the freezer! I don’t mind, he’s not really my- oh. Um… Chuck him into the sun!
They told Cirno she was stupid one time too many.
Nine Balls Later: This Freezer is Out of Control
Their meats are hung cold…
Dude, this freezer’s outta control! It’s, like, totally radical, man!
Fathers, lock up your daughters. The freezer’s on the loose.
It started by giving everyone the cold shoulder, then it turned just downright nasty after that!
Someone needs a time out.
Talk about a COLD SNAPPER!
Talk about a COLD KILLER!
We would get him helped, but he refuses to see a therapist.
Just like the economy.
it gives me chills!
Needs more exclamation marks.
It’s from the Regis Philbin appliance series.
We suggested he go for counseling but we only got an icy glare in response.
Be cool, freezer
“You’re gonna need a bigger shop”
Some say, hes as cold as ice
I wonder how a freezer quits cold turkey.
You cannot STOP this freezer, you can only hope to contain it……..
‘Terminator, Rise Of The Freezer’
That’s definitely an IGA supermarket, not an Asian supermarket. I shop at one regularly and those tags for discounts and brands of ice cream are definitely not sold at any asian supermarket I know of.
Doctor, My freezer catch a cold..its freezing.. And its outta countrol..
i hate freezer drama.. freezer just needs to chill out
I was frozen today!!!!!
surely needs help from AAA — Appliances Anonymous Assn.
People today are so indifferent. Such an alarming situation requires at least one !.
I’ll probably think twice before opening this freezer, never know what might happen…
OMG it’s running around freezing people!! CATCH IT!!
Revenge is a dish best served cold
…I think he’s packing heat.