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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wow man, these Chinese sure know how to party!
Does sweet Mary Jane pass by here often.
‘Grass’root rejoicement!
It’s a government conspiracy. Round up all the junkies in one place, then call the cops.
I never knew there’s a “Little Amsterdam” in China!
Finally…A lavatory where I can do two things at once! 🙂
Okay, so now pot smokers want their own smoking section?
“Smoking pot… uh… er… um… I forgot what I was going to say…”
Thank You! I need that desperately.
Chairman Mao says, ” Smoking pot is an expression of true communism”
so long as smoking pot does not lead to hullabaloo, it should be OK.
“Will that be toking or non-toking?”
“Toking, please.”
Chairman Mao says: All true power comes out of the moutpiece of a Bong.
Smoke or get off the pot!
That’s gonna be one hell of a trip from China to White Castle….
Hey man quit being judgmental, it’s medicinal
And I thought religion was the opiate of the people.
it’d be cool if the rating dipped to 4.20
This is what’s known as entrapment anywhere else.
These “Chinese herbs” have been preserved with the finest MSG and it’s neat how they make them look like tiny white egg rolls. : -)
You know, I wasn’t hungry when I walked in here but now for some reason I got the munchies something awful…
More intoxicating than a Smoking Jacket that’s for sure!
Whatever happened to “Gone Fishing?”
Obviously Photoshopped to remove the “s” in spot, which is how 点 is usually translated for signs like these, not true Engrish, but funny anyway.
Also known as “the hippie room” and “Little Woodstock”.
Light up! I KNEW it would become legal!
Like, please smoke pot in designated area. Or whatever I don’t care…
Best… Sign…EVER!
Please do not disturb.
Sure is hard being on the hot seat.
Liberty Prime was wrong.
Hey Cheech . . .
All your pot are belong to us!
or just doing crack?