Photo courtesy of “has.fidanken-BRZ”.
Found in Sao Paulo Brazil (although I suspect
it was imported from Japan).
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For Master of The World cosplay
I’d know that International Famous jacket anywhere!
If the “New World Order Conspiracy” made this, they should have stayed low not get so PROMINENT!
A class of its own!
It started out so well, before it fell into illegible use of English.
You are privileged to wear this quality-tested jacket with tacky, crappy, mistranslation advertisement for your satisfaction.
Quality guaranteed; Style, not so much.
How about we kick off that inverse ratio again, and we get to test out the privileged classes’ satisfaction of life?
You’re not worthy! You’re not worthy!
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to be international famous and remove all doubt
Centuries of inbreeding among the privileged classes has lead to this kind of gibberish.
When you put it on, something happens.
Well this jacket certainly sticks out like a sore thumb!
Privileged to be a walking billboard…
Randomly SELECTed text from ARTICLES is the best quality of this wear.
Maybe we should translate it VERBATIM into Portuguese and put THAT on a new jacket for him.
AKA “What happens to Brazilian attempts to write Engrish after downing too many bottles of Drink Drinker”.
Eat your heart out Members Only!
From now on, I’m only selecting articles that are PROMINENT and International Famous.
Sorry, Billy, I can’t go out with you. You didn’t pass the rich snob test.
The glorious proletariat, will rise up against the priveliged jacket class.
I have a funny feeling that, as hard as he is trying, this individual is not going to be tapped by a Bonesman any time soon.
You’re quite welcome.
Endorsed by Puccini himself, having achieved the level of “super staff” in among prominent people!
For being tested by privileged classes, something seems so bohemian about it… in a prominent sort of way.
…Proletariat is still “Rating Pending”.
Coming up next: “Prominent, Privilege, and Puccini” with Dominick Dunne.
“I’ve got a love knot in my Proletariat.”
Haha this is amazing, I saw this exact same shirt in Alto do Caparao, Brazil, sometime in 2007. I’m not sure that it’s Japanese though, the guy’s I met it had a Sao Paulo manufacturing tag.
Michael Jackson’s jackets have nothing on this one.
Are you happy to see me or is it just a prominence?