Encourage Pom Poms
Small text at top of packaging says:
“Variety color”
“a best friend for you and your partner”
“Jump…Music” “Go! Clap!!”
“Modern Design.
Skilful [sic] Manufacture.
Superior Performance.
Perfect in Workmanship.
High standard in
quality And hygiene.“
Photo courtesy of Tessie Bylund.
Package of Pom Poms.
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Yeah, if my parents hadn’t drank so much when I was a kid, I would never be where I am today.
Thanks Mom & Dad!
The ultimate in Cheerleader Convenience: Shake your pom-poms during the game, drink them after the game. No fuss, no muss.
Ribbed for her pleasure.
Pom pom hygiene is important.
Tell your partner.
Don’t drink and cheerlead!
Love Potion # 9
The Communists like to pompom a lot during Mao Tse Tung era and now they make big business out of selling pompom.
Drink for them; Colourful for them. The sacrifices we make for THEM.
Encourage Pom Poms! Because books are so overrated!
Skilful Manufacture… all the way from China! Caution: may contain traces of lead, formaldehyde, and/or melamine.
Extra ribbed for *wink* hygiene
It’s never too soon to start getting your kids ready for college!
Maybe they should just encourage lucid English instead.
People having clap, will not be punished by the official organ.
I’ll drink to that!
Small text at top of uniform says:
“not available to players after the game”
Hmm… Japanese Ariana and the Japanese perfect cheer. Whoa… these pants are tight.
It worries me that they’re encouraging cheerleaders from age 3+… 😮
Drink drinker for them, colour colourful for them…
(And maybe encourage them not to choose Cheerleading as a career? 🙂 )
In Soviet Russia, football players cheer YOU! 🙂
It puts the encourage in the cheerleader or else it gets the pom-pom again.
The colourful makes me want to clap; the hygiene keeps me from getting the clap.
Hygienic pompoms! are they by O.B. ?
Gotta love a product that promotes drinking and also cheerleading.
Don’t encourage them.
Stall Guy: That will cost you 60 claps
You: *claps 60 times* Here you go. To be honest. My hands hurt really bad now.
Stall Guy: No no, you pay at the stall over there.
Drink Drinker for them.
Some people say that cheerleading is a longtime tradition celebrating team spirit. Others say it’s a longtime tradition celebrating oversized hair! 🙂
Goooo, Engrish! Rah rah rah! Oops, I mean Lah lah lah! 🙂
“A best friend for you and your partner” …this is a kid’s toy??? 😮
Yes, just like the Hello Kitty shoulder massager was a kids toy.
(He’s not making this up folks)
2 – 4 – 6 – 8!
ENGRISH.COM is really great!
Hory Clap ! Those are some nice porn porns you have there !
Share the Encouragement with your partner and GO CLAP! Hip-Hip Hooray!!
they allow 3 year olds to drink for them?
Or just confuse the HELL out of them!
“Are you a girl? Do you wish to be sexually assaulted while under the influence of liquor? Drink for them and then get yourself a pair of Encourage Pom-Poms, you will feel the difference.”
Drink for them, so they don’t have to!