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After being released from prison, Hannibal Lecter decided to open a shop and keep as low a profile as possible. Unfortunateley, old habits die hard… 😉
Why not try our fish flesh? It’s cut from only the finest flesh fish! 🙂
I’m getting mixed signals. Although the sign above the shop is clear enough, I’m sure I can see a vegetarian section out the front too. 😐
Flesh. It’s what’s for for dinner.
For all your rotting food delights. Where haveing fantastic special on gonads this week.
*Movie trailer narrator guy voice*
In a world without expiration dates, unsuspecting customers can’t tell if their fresh is truly flesh.
Gosh… that wind-cutting shirt guy seems to be everywhere!
Uh! Which part of the dog is in their hot dog?
A typical reaction upon seeing flesh food:
I’ll leave before this shop starts attracting flies…
Largest retailer of New Japan Meat
Ham, Bacon, Beef and Spam…
O flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified!
William Shakespere (Romeo and Juliet)
Maybe the shop owner should’ve visited the Information Hall of Meat *before* going into business? 🙂
The one stop shop for all you canabalistic needs!
Eat Flesh
Brains! ! BRAINS ! ! !
It’s only a flesh store.
This week’s special:
Leg of mam
Ground beefcake
Lady’s fingers
Something smells fishy here. Oh wait…
And the Soda Machine actually sells blood.
I need to stop in for some tissues.
9 out of 10 undead prefer…
Is this food as flesh as the flied pork and the roached beef?
Sounds like a Left4Dead marketing scheme. Oh yesh!
I guess they’re right — Coke DOES go with everything!
Dracula’s store of choice.
Zombies will visit that shop first before devouring the living.
Soylent Green is people!
Now under new management: Mrs. Lovett!
What happens when butchers go wrong!
don’t go in that store!! They’ll cut you and stew you!
SO THAT’S what happens when zombies run a business.
Did you guys have Internet Channel?
now located in scenic Zombieland!
For the zombie on the go.
The Coca-Cola machine really completes the look.
– Is it flesh?