Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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That’s good; I’ve always wanted to have an elephant head…
You can be any head you like or maybe a dinosaur.
They are far ahead of the competition.
I’ll take, two please because as you know: two heads are better than one!
They sure are thinking of crazy disguises for brothels these days!
Great, so just head for me then 🙂
Gears you need for an undercover mission in the African safari.
Well, you know what they say… if it wasn’t attached…!
Just in case you’ve lost your head…
Who says you can’t get ahead in this world?
Don’t wrap my new head, please. I’d like to wear it when I meet my friends at the food park.
Wow, the heads must have been very popular; all they have left are caps!
owned by a Female Head Merchandizer
Just what I need – a little head.
They’re committed to giving head!
Tipping your hat? That’s the way it used to be, now it’s Tipping your whole top!
Sort of like the sign that’s posted in Al Gore’s house: “New Cap and Trade.”
Plastic surgery at discount prices, conveniently located near the food court!
And in our “Michael Jackson Junior Department” all boys pants are half-off!
Going on the sign above it, this stand also doubles as a sale area, a food park (Presumably meant to be “Food court”) *and* a toilet, too! 😮
…Now at least two of those things were never meant to go together, but I suppose this *is* the decade of progress… 😉
Whenever one needs a new body part in the Western World, they have to go to the hospital, full in a whole pile of forms, then sit on a “waiting list” for six years. In Thailand however, everything’s self-service and there’s no waiting about at all!
…And yet us Englishmen still hail our land a “modern” country?… 😀
Heads are at a discount. Brains are at addidional cost.
I’ve seen a better head on a beer.
Insert Bill Clinton joke here.
Got head?
If I wanted a head I’d go buy some lettuce.
Great sales pitch! Illegal, yes. Enticing, certainly.
I wonder if theres a New Boxer & Cock store?
Buy a hat, get some head? =P
Well, it beats going through the whole plastic surgery process.
buy two heads and get one brain for free!
would you like some head with that?
One of my killers would take interest on those, I don’t want him taking off my head.
– Got anything microcephalic?
Now that’s service