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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Its only different when you see them…well…Bare!
I thought teddy bares were androgynous.
You’re right… Goldilocks has been HERE too.
Bears and Kum cars sold separately
I can’t bear to look
“Hey, you’ve got an innie and I’ve got an outie.”
“Yeah, and our belly buttons are different too!”
“Ugh.. Wanna trade?”
Aww… Who says romance is dead?
‘ just blow on your fur and see what you’ve got! ‘
no, they’re BALLS… not BELLS…
And now we know how to tell the difference between little boy bears and little girl bears: the colors of their diapers!
Open the cover of the pencil case and there’s the romantic stuff !
Can only be purchased with the guidance of an adult.
No, you can’t touch mine. You already broke yours off.
Why is it different? I have a ringy-ding dong and you don’t!
The pink one can attract dozens of blue ones. That’s the difference.
“Ok, I showed you. You can stop staring now…”
The pink one has been ‘dismembered’!
This is when mommy bear opens the door and her heart stops.
Everytime you touch it I get a muscle crispation and go into action.
Charmin’, the best for bell bottoms.
This one means I get paid more…
…And this one means I get laid more!
Girl Bear: “Hey, you’ve got a delicious snake in there!”
I’ll show me mine if you’ll show you yours.
And she got to play with my dingaling …
If you go out in the woods today
You’re sure of a big surprise.
If you go out in the woods today
You’d better go in disguise.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today’s the day the teddy bears find their genders
The relevant crazy warning did not mention a thing about this….
These are the children of the April World bears.
“Huh? That wasn’t there last time I looked…”
Boy: Nyah, nyah, I’ve got one of these, and you don’t!
Girl: That’s OK. My momma told me that because I’ve got one of these, someday I can have as many of THOSE as I want!!!
…and that’s how papa bear and mama bear met.
Why it’s different?
That’s not a question.
Children, please pull the things you are imagining to enjoy yourselves as possible as you can.
Maybe they’re typical teddies – nothing under the hood – and those are looks of baffled disappointment….
“Hmm… HEY! this reminds me of a light socket! Plug me in!”
How many teddy bears does it take to s**ew in a…oh WHAT am I SAYING????
Girl bear: So that’s why boy bears can run faster than girl bears! They have ball bearings and a stick shift, too!
Boy Bear reply to Girl Bear:
That’s right! Hey, grab my stick shift and I’ll show you just how fast I can…ummmm….run
Just barely!
this pencil box replaces all those videos from middle school! ☺
well, they’re obviously not shy about it!
Girl Bear: “I think a bit of your stuffing has come out”
give biologist more time to firure out why, then you’ll see the difference…
nothin’ says Romance like 2 cartoon bears examining themselves.