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They gotta do something about their chickens…
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I’ll make sure not to egg it on.
If a chicken talked to me like that? I’d kill him.
So, I guess it’s Jerk Chicken?
Tommorrow’s special is cow rude and unreasonable- better known as beef jerk-y.
….Actually, can I have the self-conscience and ugly cow please
What they meant to say was that Row is wiping CubbyBear.
Must have been a Jerk Chicken!
The chickens are rude and unreasonable.. i just can’t simply eat them!
I think what they meant was MEAN…as in, “We serve some mean chicken,” or “My momma sure makes a mean apple pie!”
Why does chicken not love my? 🙂
You talkin’ to me? Are YOU talkin’ to ME? I’m the only one scratchin’ here…
Taxi Driver Chicken. Come with rice.
It really ruffles peoples’ feathers!
I hear the turkey is nice and sympathetic . . . I’ll go with that.
Eat or be eaten
And while we’re at it, the tuna is being a prick too.
the Korean discription (right from the English ones) doesn’t even match with the English description at alllllll…
It means: “Chicken with mushroom seasoning”
But can’t read the Chinese discription though.. that could be different?
Duck off!
Haha! Translation fail @ Jerk Chicken. Next time use a translater WITHOUT slang xD
Yeah, how rude. Don’t you know you shouldn’t run around with your head cut off!!
A Dish With Fowl Language!
Really? I wanted shrimp gentle and compassionate with a side of retarded rice.
AKA chicken who refused to join the communist party
The chicken’s rude and unreasonable, Szechwan Bean was being a curd, and Row is apparently wiping himself with something that was in the soup… I’d say this is a menu from Hell’s Diner.
still better than well behaved dog.
What an unfair and foul chicken!
You’d be unreasonable too if you had to row wipe the pear flowering quince soup.
We demand chickens who have been through charm school!
feministic chickens, always want to be “equal” with the rich and powerful, but wants “no equality” with the poor and hard-workings. Their “equality” is another way of saying “selective communism” !
No, only McDonald’s chickens are unreasonable. They never agree with me.
He crossed the road just to be a badass.
Lol now included with menu names, “Live animal personalities before they are to be served to you.”
what they do with the pity chicken??
Oh dat rude, unreasonable mo fo! I kick his chicken ass NOW!
– dont eat me, you *%?$ing idiot! now let me gow too the moon and lay an elephant!
I believe the dish is actually “Chicken with boiling oil chili”
Maybe the hot and boiling oil and chili will be rude and unreasonable….
I have to go wipe my pear.
That’s why the chicken got chopped!
I bet there’s a guy who Chinese people turn to to translate stuff, and he just tells them to write all this ridiculous stuff so he can check it out on this site.
Oops, I mean lewd and unseasomable!!
Now we know why KFC rejected it
Last time I went there the chicken kicked my ass. 🙁
Excuse me…. I asked for some sweet and sour chicken…. and you seem to have given me a 2nd wife?
The chicken said, you want some of this? And we did.
Oh my. What manners does the @#$% chicken have?
this translation might not be accurate.
but it has some sense coz this dish taste not like chicken. lol. It is “unreasonably” hot and get you “rude” if u eat it.
:XD. I love this dish.
Doesn’t anyone notice the top one.
“Do I need to reason with you? You are getting yo head chopped off either ways…there’s no need to be so rude!”
So basically it’s chinese chicken.
“Since your of the sweet & sour chicken ill take the sour & sour.”
…so would you be if someone wanted to chop your head off and put you in a pot!!