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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Tastes so heavenly, you’ll need to repent.
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dog upside down cake was more popular after a little rebranding
And then the Lord said…let there be White!
God’s using some weird ways to get his wife to come back. Now he covered himself in vanilla!
This meal tastes godly.
on the next page, you can find Devil with Chocolate.
..for it is written… “be ye prepared for His return. Keep chocolate syrup and whipped cream at the ready.”
This is a sign from God reassuring the artist known as “Vanilla Ice” that his place in Heaven is secure.
Oh, don’t get so excited… it’s just Ambrosia with a touch of vanilla.
So,instead of Sunday school, my parents were supposed to take me to Dairy Queen for a Sundae?
New vanilla-flavored Jesus Body diet supplements…
Moses broke a stone tablet with the eleven and most important commandment: “Thou shalt eat plenty of vanilla”
My Communion, it haz a flavur.
French foie gras – as opposed to the famous Chinese foie gras?
Well they say that Chocolate is the Devil’s Food, so I guess that makes sense!
God is a concept. . . no – He’s just #0417.
Hey, you need a fitting dessert after a Heavenly Burger
Also, the chickens here worry me. One cooks pot, the other’s slicc…
Go on.. be a devil.
The Eucharist now uses vanilla wafers?
And God said unto Adam, “Do not eat the vanilla from the tree, for I hath hogged it all as it is my favorite flavor which most pleases me.”
This comes from Vanilla Heaven
And for dessert, devil’s food cake.
I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Flavor.
“I’ll have what she’s having!!!”
[Guess the movie reference…]
So it’s true…There IS a God! 😀
There is probabally no ice-cream, so stop worrying and enjoy your life! 🙂
[This makes sense if you have seen the advertisements that the British Humanist Association had plastered on buses in London about six months ago. :-]
As a follower of a polytheist religion having a vast number of Gods and Goddesses, this sign is far too ambiguous for my liking. Which God does this sign refer to? 😀
For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful! 🙂
Six Foie Gras for the same price as every other meal? Is this a resturant or a cash and carry? 🙂
Psalms 104:14 (King James Version):
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: That he may bring forth food out of the Earth. He causeth the vanilla to grow for Himself, however. 🙂
Item 0414 suggests to me that the cook is a firm believer in the imaginative powers of Marijuana… 😉
For “God with kinky”, please try the Goth-run resturant across the road. 🙂
now that lent is over…
i prefer the Jesus with Butterscotch.
Personally I don’t see where this is any stranger than eating Jesus’ body and drinking his blood in church.
Can I see your atheist alternative menu, please?
So… do we need to say grace for this meal or not?
I think we need another minute to decide. We’ve only gotten to the 400’s so far.
you don’t happen to serve Buddha with Chocolate, do you?
OMG now i bliev in heven! 🙂
Quetzalcoatl with strawberry certainly tastes better.
Celestial food.
Served with a side of eternal salvation.
That is one slicc chicken!
What?! There’s no atheist menu? I guess I’ll starve.
God with the capital “G” — amen!
surely a new dish created to complement Buddha Jumps Over The Wall…
Jesus Says, I Come Quickly! But only if you tip well!
They actually mean “cod”…
being so close to god never tasted so good