Now I know why Existentialism always gave me headaches.
15 years ago
Where probrem? The perfeect spelling it is.
15 years ago
I strained every nerve, and after the vast medical bills, I felt so much better, I can no longer move my limbs without feeling searing pain! Thanks, philosophy!
15 years ago
Your ignorance is getting on my nerves. There are no spelling mistakes.
Tired with the eternal balance of Taoïsm, many former believers turned to the more entertaining philosophy of straining Chery’s nerves
No pain, no gain…
Reading this causes nerbous vreakdown!
Does what it says on the shirt!
At least the spelling is correct (really).
The philosophy of the nagging wife.
Partner to the other T-shirt in the set: Your getting on my LAST nerve.
This philosophy was first expounded by the American comedian Sid Seizure.
This years souvenir t-shirt from the Middle School Teacher’s Convention.
It makes great tea!
Squeeze ebery spelling error.
It’s the mantra of a new Eastern philosophy called “SEN”
Of course… by wearing this, I am referring to your nerves, not mine.
Do your nervous system stretches every morning to prevent injury.
I prefer the “Strain Every Fibre” philosophy – if we are talking about womens’ shirts that is.
this bad spelling is really getting on all of my nerbes.
Crimb ebery mountain, pord ebery stream, pollow ebery rainbow, ’till you find your dream!
What? Haben’t you eber heard of a berb?
Maybe you guys should look up Blackletters, for example here:
There is no spelling mistake here, move along.
Now I know why Existentialism always gave me headaches.
Where probrem? The perfeect spelling it is.
I strained every nerve, and after the vast medical bills, I felt so much better, I can no longer move my limbs without feeling searing pain! Thanks, philosophy!
Your ignorance is getting on my nerves. There are no spelling mistakes.
Oh, finally! The strawberry ones were awful!
They should make this in sizes 0 months-4T! They would sell out in any language!
Gothic is hard to read so it doesn’t really meter what it says