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Calm down, Monkey!
Monkey want a banana. You look silly wearing that t-shirt.
Be a Penguin. They always dress so nice.
The Elephant Man! Now there was a dude that had some radical looking t-shirts. His pants were sort of funny though. But he was definitely not an animal.
If the monkey doesn’t wear a shirt, does it get spanked?
I really want to see this as a T-Shirt in the Engrish.com store!
Monkeys get dressed by the t-shirt nazis.
Dressing is the (mon)key to success…
But we are nothing more than mere apes blessed with clothing.
Okay, I’ll say it…
…b-b-but I can’t, that monkey stole my t-shirt!
Monkey – a new name for shopaholics. Don’t be a monkey, wear the clothes you bought.
Do not through poo at the ones you love!
i mean throw
Wacky t-shirts: they’re what separate us from the monkeys.
There wile absolutely no monkey business here.
Who knew that t-shirts were the key to evolution.
So is a tank top the missing link?
That wifebeater doesn’t count. You’re still an ape.
Recent studies indicate that monkeys are unable to make up their mind about which T-shirt they should wear.
Get your T-Shirts offa me, you filthy ape!
This reminds me of the monkey sign that says “We do not hope to be such a monkey.”
Not scary until you realise this was painted on the inside wall of central park zoo’s monkey house by an ape named Cornelius.
Monkey is stressed… Because of Humans.
Clothes make the primate.
Please throw Poo at ther ones you love
Your false advertising isn’t going to make a monkey out of me!
Stop complaining. When I was a young chimp, I only had hand-me-downs. Kids used to ape me all the time. now put your shirt on before I go guerrilla on your ass.
Monkeys are bad people and so are you.
Choose to live with the shirt, but without the pants
dont stare at our eyes!
But I did choose this t-shirt!
Reminds me of my mom, only hairier.
Darwin at work.
….. and try to work “you damn DIRTY APES!” into a sentence every once in a while.
I would wear it if that bloody monkey hadn’t stolen it…
Do Not Be a Human! Wear the pants the monkey left behind. Live as a Monkey!
This reminds me of the “I Wanna Be a Monkey” Song from Ren and Stimpy. 🙂
They always look happy when they swing through the trees,
Those hairy lower life forms we call monkeys,
They fly through the air with the greatest of ease,
Oh how I’d love to be one of these!
Soooo, I’m gonna be a monkey, a monkey monkey monkey… 🙂
I would definitely purchase this shirt if engrish.come offered it!
So if we put a shirt on the monkey is it human now?
Hey hey Were the monkeys! people say we monkey around !
Can I peel it off now?
Yea, because monkeys usually wear shirts that others chose for them! Silly monkeys!