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Now on tour: Reggae-tallica
With dread rocks headbanging becomes an advanced form of flagellation.
Word is that Dread is not only beyond cool, but has a soft spot for children and puppies.
I tend to be a little less enthusiastic about my dread.
All we need now is some Maliuhana
In the competitive world of Extreme Hairstyling, you must learn to embrace your fears.
Perfect hair for headbanging
Lastafarian listening to his Leggae
Dread: I AM THE LAW!
Barber: Yeah yeah, Do you want a haircut or not?
Well, spelling errors aside, I’d pay money to see a Japanese person with dreads.
Be cautious while head banging, the rocks are a little jagged.
Are those like specialized mood rings?
Forget the dread rocks, I’ll just go for some highrights
Perfect for fans of both Bob MALREY and the Lolling Stones
the prices here are Jamaican me crazy
“Ici revenir ” is really bad flench. it would mean Here to come back. I’m not sure I’d want to, if they manage to turn your hair into stones…
I fought the Rock and the Rock won.
I dread kidney stones and gall stones, but to each his own
Perfect for conquering stalagmite phobias.
I wish I were a lastaman. Then I could be all Ya Lastafari, and ilie n’ stuff, with ganya, and praise for Haire Serassie. What could be more one ruv than that?
Dread Rocks, and Horror rules.
They also offer hair retension services.
Because Fear is only “Ok”
YEAH! Dreads Rocks!!! XD
“he was a buffaro sordier……………”
I usually only dread rocks when I walk outside in my bare feet.
Can I have horror locks instead?