Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Please don’t flick your tooth in public…
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So… what happens if i flick my finger instead?
“Matched with required various human body foodstuff”
Oh heck, this is Soylent Green!
Soylent Green indeed, but rich in calcareous… What comes around…
… with Ketchup
The noodle in the picture looks like its made in Gobi Desert
Mrs. Lovett opens a soup shop in Beijing.
and in some cultures it is appropriate to belch to show your appreciation for the food…
Pop Quiz:
The soup is:
(A) tooth-flicking, taste-plucking good.
(B) either full of “calcareous”or gives you “calcareous”… or in some fashion effects “calcareous”- and is explained in ways that our lawyers want kept as vague and nebulous as possible.
(C) made with ingredients and foodstuff that you would be much better off not knowing exactly what they are.
(D) not really soup, but an instruction manual.
WTP (What the pluck?). Those plucking noodles are plucking delicious! The chef ain’t bad too. I’d pluck her.
Various parts of the human body may be good foodstuff, but beware of the hard parts or else your tooth will indeed be flicking…
This plucking-noodle soup can go flick itself!
The guy next to me flicked his tooth in my foodstuff!
i need more strenpth training if im gonna flick my tooth.
You can never be to calcareous.
I wonder if it’s as confusing in those Chinese caricatures lol “uh oh hot dog!”
“Human body foodstuff”
Try Soylent Green – now available as noodles!
We tried for one thousand and one tastes, but ran out of people…
The ingredients are so-so, but the high grade is imported!
Thanks for the soup. Should I compensate the calcareous here or at the register?
Flour of Thousand taste-plucking noodle is people!
IT’S PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
Oh darn, there goes my tooth again!
Not just Fine and Smooth…
… but refreshing smooth.
It’s so dirty!
Looks like Strong Bad has a Chinese cousin: Stron Pest!
What is this “Safety Method of Calcareous”? Is there an Unsafety Method of Calcareous? Does it involve Flicking of the Tooth?
Is it wrong that this turn me on?
I am definitely hungry now.
It’s the color white that helps most effectively the safety method of calcereous… if the noodles are yellow, the method is a little riskier