Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Welcome and Very Thank!
Onry staff we have…
posted on 8 Feb 2009 in Signs
Photo courtesy of Sarah Panozza.
Sign found at Nagoya Castle, Japan.
A few people have commented that they believe this
is fake or Photoshopped, but I can assure you that it is real.
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Leh see i.D. Wha? Noh i.D.? Noh I.D. Noh Enta!
(except if you here for job apprication)
Deal blothels and sistels, othels use the leal entlance!
You better not mess with the staff, Cletus. They’re downright onry!!!
I hate it when the staff gets onry. Fiesty lil’ buggers they are.
Better than “Starve Onry”
if you are not personner you are not arrowed to come in!
Backwards it asks: Why are no fats?
this sign can be found near the “staff onry palking rot”
just a small stuff…
Onry the Ronry…
Arr othels wirr be shot!
A crassic Engrish example.
Found on a pirate ship. Yarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
Visitols to the reft
My staff is so onry!
Emproyees Permitted Beyond this Point
Engrish like it was meant to be!
I rearry rike this!!!
Oh Reary?
There’s no one, just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne…
staff on rye? hmm, too bad, i only eat owners.
Is that supposed to be ornery or horny?
re got onry party wif usr
Are you disrexic? Staff onry!
I’m feeling fat and sassy!
Thank you for warning me about your staff being ornery. I will go to a different hotel now.
I’m So onry
So onry
So onry and sadry arone
do not entel
Othels ale not arrowed!