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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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This is escalating confusion!
Well, it’s a good thing the overweight are not allowed to be carried; they need the exercise…
Ok, but what about older children with deformities who are currently in the hospital because of pregnancy? Sheesh…this thing is so VAGUE!
Hey you, hold on! ’nuff said.
Mommy!! Look at that handsome pregnant woman and his guardian!!
Attention…escalator accidents cause deformities.
Officer!!! Trust me, I was polite to the escalator…
Along with deformities, obesities and ridiculousness, people from far west with big nose are not allowed also.
Pregnant woman are to be guarded with the machine gun.
Who’s keeping tabs on that reckless pregnant woman?? Where’s her guardian?!?
Class action against escalator manufacturer for discrimination is recommended.
This escalation legislation is causing me much consternation. I think I’ll stick to elevation.
The article 3 sounds discriminating!
I was lost at Attention.
Teacher: Ok kids. I read the sign. I guess its ok for you to wear your Croc Shoes on the escalator.
What classifies as a deformity?
The only deformity i see is this sign…..
4. if you can’t understand the sign, please use stairs
The long lost blocking cues for the movie “Metropolis.”
I think I’d better walk
Too high, too fat and too long….
I’m from New Jersey. Would I be classified as a deformity, or as a dangerous thing?
Crikey! Now I’m face to face with the moving direction! And what’s that over there? A dangerous large high overweight thing!
Should they be joined at the hip.
Due to their dark sense of humor, mall management leased the Too Longer and Overweight shop on the second floor next to the escalator.
The Handrail Band will be preforming on tonight’s Escalator Guardian show.
I think I’ll just take the stairs…
If you are too high, too long,overweight,or dangerous then when it comes to being carried on the escalator, you are S.O.L.
So they will allow the poet, the magician, the musician and other gods of our legends?
The too drunker are not allowed beyond this point.
Quick! Put your grandmother down!
No, you’re not allowed to carry her; look at the damn sign!
No obese terrorists allowed!
Not enough glue for all the deformities…
so don’t carry cows while on the escalator or will sasso because they are the overweight and dangerous things you’ve heard tell about
Yes, the pregnant woman should take the elevator with HIS guardian.
Overweight THINGS? Geez, they really discriminate overweight people over there…
How do you carry an /overweight/ thing, anyway?
I’ve always been worried whether it was safe to ride escalators. You know be “too longer” and everything. That woud REALLY hurt.
bleifcase obesity high lately… much bisness done staresdown. prease keep your nose in yours. you break, you buy.
“Oh God. Honey, you better take the stairs”
Um, does anybody notice in the fifth line it says “And the pregnant women should take the escalator with his guardian together”? Either somebody got a sex change or….. Oh, that’s just wrong.
Yes, the dangerous things and the too higher people are not a good combination.
Only healthy normal people allowed.
But my too longer and my too higher does not detach!
whoa so why is that sumo wrestler riding the escalator?
Hey up… the pregnant woman with HIS guardian? Uh, ok?
And the deformities get to go all my themselves? Independent of the person they were attached to? And doesn’t that fall into the ‘the dangerous things’ category?
…but mom!
No Jimmy i cant carry you on the esclator, your too overwight, and your a deforitie, your gona have to take the stairs.
What’s that? No dangerous things? *sigh* Fine, I’ll take the stairs…
so i can’t bring the machete, the hand grenade, or the chainsaw? You people spoil all the fun.
Most pregnant women become overweight and dangerous. THEN can he be carried by his guardian?
And I agree, everyone should remove their deformity before riding-it’s common courtesy.
Just *how* long is too longer?
Talk about post-apocalyptic…