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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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At least you’ll die hyper.
I was thinking of weatherproofing my esophagus…do you have anything delicious?
For a smooth finish to your meal.
Jim Jones gives it 5 stars!
I’d eat poison just to get my hands on a bowl of chicken bro… oh..
Well, at least you’ll REMEMBER your death!
This broth lacquer will provide only the highest quality protection, color, and shine for your Private Bench Legs.
Maybe I’m just not seeing the health benefits of cooking with Linseed Oil.
At last a chicken broth with polish
If you liked our Chicken with Bacterium, you’ll LOVE…
I’ll also have a side of resin-dipped spring rolls and a tall glass of cherry shellack.
Lacquer Poison Chicken Broth or Steamed Crap with Beer… whew! Tough call!…. Maybe I’ll just have the New Japan Meat…
…because with anything else, it’s just poison.
I’m hoping it was supposed to be “lack of poison…”
This is why most restaurants refuse to give out their “secret ingredients.”
Nice to see some creative new cooking in Asian cuisine. Melamine is so 2008.
An excellent choice for pesky inlaws…
We reccomend a vintage 1959 bottle of Thompson’s Waterseal to go with your meal.
This chicken broth is literally to die for!
(and the laquering is just … Brilliant!)
This broth makes your mouth froth!
Ancient Chinese secret, huh?
Er… Chicken to die FOR or FROM?
For the health nut who wants his poison to have medicinal benefits also.
This is what they serve on special request to in-laws, bosses, ex’s, and the ever annoying HEALTH INSPECTORS!
don’t forget to pray before you eat…
Just a spoonful of lacquer makes the poison go down, in the most derightful way!
Too many poisons spoil the broth!
That must be Agent 47’s work!
No dessert for you if you can’t finish your dinner…
FINALLY! Some taste in this chicken!(the secret ingredient is bird flu!)
well, it complements the ‘sweet and soul’ thingy that they always serve
Waiter, I think my chicken needs another coat of shellack please…
add strick 9 to tatse,serve hot
…Poison?? Dang! Where’s a foodtaster when you need one?!?!
I hear that Snow White ate hear one time…
Laquer and Poison? Now thats some exotic asian cuisine ! Im in !!
with just a lil pinch of arsenic for u to die qui–i mean for flavor
It’s for those of us who care about our appearance so much… we’d die just to have a nice and polished esophegus!
for the suicidal and apathetic.
Afterward, you can piss a nice finish onto your baseboards. Could I order a spar varnish poison chicken? I’m going out on my boat tonight.
Garnished with bitter almonds, Amanita virosa mushrooms, and water hemlock!
The only thing that looks fine is the word “with”.
poison makes it taste better?
Because chicken broth just wasn’t enough.
Bob: Hello Maria, how are you doing? Maria: Well, Im divorcing you. Bob: May I recommend the Lacquer Poison Chicken Broth with Ginseng?
Poison? What happened to the chef just peeing in the soup?
“When you just can’t take the chance that your sushi might not kill you”
You either get busy livin…. or get busy eating Laquer Poison Chicken Broth with Ginseng!
Omg loool well at least I won’t taste the poisen haha
I guess this is the 2nd portion after the bench legs.