I like their beef, but their chicken is a little salty.
Eric G
16 years ago
All our food comes with MSG (Moist, Sweaty Glands)
Poisonus Gus
16 years ago
As if those bloody hors d’oeuvres weren’t bad enough. I tell ya, if this tastes as bad as it sounds I’m leaving before they even bring us the tear crumble.
Eric G
16 years ago
Our cooks put their blood, toil, tears and sweat into making our food. Literally!
Working hard for your meal.
Specially sauna cooked!
This chicken is weirdly salty. Smells like BO, too….
Yeah, it’s quite hot at the kitchen.
You can actually taste all the effort they put in making this dish. I salute thee flea market connoiseurs.
Well, it’s certainly better than the food at Good Testes.
Fried in only the freshest elbow grease!
Give me the armpit special!
I hope it’s better than the Urine and Spicy Pork they were serving last week.
We aspire to perspire a sauce you’ll admire!
Sweatin’ to the veggies.
Hoo-wee! Dat one spicy chickin, I gar-on-tee!
From the sauna to your mouth! Mmm-mm!
It’s reduced fat, but it tastes like a bad lemon.
I like their beef, but their chicken is a little salty.
All our food comes with MSG (Moist, Sweaty Glands)
As if those bloody hors d’oeuvres weren’t bad enough. I tell ya, if this tastes as bad as it sounds I’m leaving before they even bring us the tear crumble.
Our cooks put their blood, toil, tears and sweat into making our food. Literally!
Sweat and Sour Chicken: Now only $5.50 at Good Testes!
No money? No Sweat!
Our food is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration
makes you miss good ‘ol MSG dosent it?
You don’t even want to KNOW what the rice is doing.
Jocks welcome.
active ingredient: gym sock
couldn’t outrun kitty
with optional pit sauce on top
well dig in
choose from our many varities of seasonings–Arrid, Degree, Suave, or Arm and Hammer
…Hmm…They put in a little too much salt…
Sweat is indeed sour. Finally a dish that makes up its mind.