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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Well, this explains the wild hair
…which is why we have to keep him in a stall.
Hey bob, This toilet has a Hemi !! Fashion your Sheet Belts ~
Please use the bin instead.
Beware of bog.
This is one wild potty.
…lost it’s mind over a nice b*tt.
^ hey, you can’t say b*tt!
Toilet: Flush! Flush now! Flush Already! *begins sweating* Someone flush me!
Its my potty and i’ll cry if I want to. Cry if I want to. You would cry to if no one flushed you.
this needs some serious potty training.
Ok, who was the last person who took a dump? Go back to the toilet and apologize!
Ouch! The toilet ate my thingy! Call the ambulance please!
The only toilet that dumps on YOU!
This is such toilet humor!
Now featuring in Toilets Gone Wild…!
(witness being interviewed on the news)
“It was the most frightening thing I have ever seen. One minute it was all calm and cool, the next minute this fat guy wreaking of burritos opened the door to the stall and all of the sudden the toilet just started yelling and going nuts. It kept saying I’ve seen more a**holes than a bartender at a political convention and I’m not going to take the sh*t anymore. It went on a rampage. Oh the poo-manity!”
Noble store customer,
Previous you in ours store, you have used the washroom. We thought that you have abused it, because it now is the unusual emotion and out from the control. We asked that you will be the respect, and will apology it.
Noble store management
beware the jabawacky
All you need is Mind Over (fecal) Matter
It’s sick of always taking crap from everyone.
ahh, these teen-toilets…
You try to flush, it shoots it right back at you.
We’re taking too much fire! We have to fall back, sir! Send in the specialized strike team!
*radios in for the sumo wrestlers*
Just a prank played on Maxwell Smart by the fiends at Chaos!
(the note explains where Chaos stole the toilet from)
Another job for “The Loo Whisperer”
That isn’t Korean writing! If you look carefully you’ll see they are upside down glyphs showing the only way to use the toilet!
just carry your own diaper, losers
Sick and tired of taking so much sh*t and getting treated like a peon.
we`re hoping it`s just a phase
i just hope i dont see the guy that found out about this >:() NASTY
That ExLax is a bitch!
apparently someone’s dissatisfied foot was too big… https://engrish.com/2007/11/toilet-rules/
It’s an epidemic! Last week, they had to put down a sink that kept starting fights with the patrons!
Watch Out! Toilet Bowl will run away!
Call the Police!!
“Only psychologists and scatologists allowed”.
Next up: Toilet Drifting
What’s the number for 911?!
Was that 8 seconds?
Where’s the Toiletman?
Taco Bell had a 3 for 1 deal.
No Diarrhea allowed! XD
Stays out all night pottying.
it slams the lid down on…(lurch) i think im going to be sick
i dont noe wat to do, i told it to quit the juice but it just wont take the urinal cakes
the one reason why my baby brother still wont flush the toilet
I’ll just go in the vase in the lobby……….
Fat Albert’s incident with the toilet explains a lot…