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Eat your heart out. Or ours.
Waiter, there’s a mitral valve in my soup
From an ancient Mayan recipe…
Spleen extra…
Introducing the new store chain: Whole Hearts Market!
Do they offer A-1 sauce too?
All sandwiches are served with a Bloody Mary.
Each sandwich comes with a side of clogged arteries.
Offal anyone
Organ donors tend to shy away from this place.
What is it now? The “Mesoamerican Sarifice” Week?
Thanks.. but I’ll have just the sand alone…
We do heart transplant as our side business
Sandwich and heart meal: $4.95. w/ Fries: add 30 cents.
These guys take compromise to the next level…
…so that explains why they’re always short on staff
Happy Birthday Sandwich
The heart appears in the hand then
The heart appears on the bread
No peppers please, they give me heartburn.
“My chef got a new ingredient!”
“oh yeah? Where?”
“Some place called Black’s Market…or something like that.”
So… that red stuff… wasn’t ketchup?
In most restaurants, that little heart symbol on the menu means “low-cholesterol item”. Well, not here!
All our sandwiches are served in a mini cooler.
Half-hearted sandwiches extra.
Sandore sandwiches. Where we work our butts, and hearts, off to bring you delicious sandwiches.
We’ve prepared these sandwiches with all our hearts. Literally.
Oh, Anton LaVey was telling me about this place…
I’ll take the whole heart with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
Subway, eat your heart out.
Did you hear about that new sandwich restaurant? It’s right off the bypass.
why do i have a feeling Andrew Zimmerman has been here?
The only place in Japan to get haggis.
you might need this if you buy one of those estates
The whole heart? I only want half…Will that cut the price in half?
Do they put big feeling in my sandwich? I’m– uh– not so sure about that…
…and the fries are server with their whole stoumach.
W0uld y0u put s0me liver spread 0n it, please?
Subway cannot compare to this. Other organs available?
No doubt that their company motto is:
“Eat our hearts out”
i like my sandwhiches to contain less organs but—what the hell…
Ever wonder what happened to the dude who rips out hearts in the “Indiana Jones” movie? I guess he started a sandwich place.
What a subtle way to tell me that i’m going to play a sacrifice in Apocalypto!
one turkey on white, hold the vital organs, please….
cannibal dining at it’s best!