Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Let’s flesh this out…
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Gee, it all sounds so good, I don’t know how to decide.
It’s always interesting to see American chain restaurants in foreign countries. Take Zombie Kitchen, for example…
I’d hit it six times.
Do you have the pepper beef with pepper?
Excuse me, do those soy sauce crabs with soy sauce contain soy sauce?
Do you have anything lifestyle vegetable?
Do you think I can get the soy sauce crabs *without* the soy sauce?
Rice cake civil rights movement!
I never knew that I had rice cake incorrectly until now.
MMmmm, this is good flower lampwik, but why does it feel like my stomach is on fire?
Six times with the lifestyle meat? Bow-chicka-wow!
I’ll show you a lifestyle meat.
Could I have the Soy Sauce Crabs without the Soy Sauce?
Is the flesh flesh fresh fresh?
Eat engrish Eat engrish
Proper form yea!
Six times the Flesh Flesh!!
I don’t think I want to know what’s inside the lattice… six times is six too many if you ask me!
Rice cake that rids of proper form? That explains all those skeletons, and all that flesh flesh!
Soy sauce crabs with soy sauce. That’s just an excuse to charge twice for the soy sauce.
hmmm…I was thinking about ordering the Flesh Flesh, but I’m not sure. Usually I take my flesh on the less fleshy side. Clearly not the vegetarian menu.
I ate the Rice Cake; now I’m a slouch.
Thank God! Finally some flesh that matches my lifestyle.
Are soy sauce crabs contagious?
olympians are now being tested for steroids and rice cakes
I also ordered the Cola Cola
Flesh flesh ribs flesh flesh flower lattice and flesh …
(My apologies to Monty Python and the SPAM sketch 🙂 )
I’m glad it rids proper form, but does rice cake satisfy hearty appetite?
Welcome to the Soylent Green restaurant, may I take your order….
Hannibal Lecter highly recommends the flesh flesh.
“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore.”
Taste much better than alternative lifestyle meat.
To dear all of our customers, there are meat and lattice, meat lampwick and lattice, meat and flesh, meat lattice and flesh, meat lattice soy sauce and flesh, flesh lattice soy sauce and flesh, flesh meat flesh flesh lattice and flesh, flesh flesh flesh meat and flesh, flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh rice cake flesh flesh flesh and flesh, or bacterium with chicken au saliva with a fired rice garnished with uncared ham badwizer smorked salmon on top and flesh.
“Flesh Prince” DVD menu – select a scene
“I’ll have flesh flesh, six times.”
“Here you go, one flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh.”
You never forget your first six times.
you never can have enough soy sauce on your soy sauce crabs, am i right?
All I can say is…….at those prices, everything better be damned good!!
Redundant crab platter is redundant.
That’s not a menu, that’s a haiku
I let my meat choose its own lifestyle.
The waitress over there is also in proper form and she’s bringing my “sexy times” I mean “six times”
Lattice will not be happy when she finds out about this…
38,000 for six times is a promotional offer. The normal price is 7,000 per time.
Premier Zombie delicatessen.
” Waiter- now precisely WHAT lifestyle has this meat been living? Was it a pious lifestyle? A criminal lifestyle? A drug lifestyle?- because I shouldn’t like that.”
Are those prices in dollars or in wÅn? Because either way, I’ve found another typo. No one in their right mind would pay for lifestyle meat.
Choose your Lifestyle meat… not that there is anything wrong with it
I’ll have ribs flesh six times.
‘Soy sauce crabs with soy sauce”? redundant much?