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He ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog…
I cry because I care.
=( ‘ Ñ‚ ‘,)=
I’m not crying, it’s the tattoo I got in the joint after I did my first nickel.
Let’s see, I’ve got autographs from Lassie, Rin Tin Tin…ooh, nice penmanship from Benji here…
If you have love your small dream may indeed grow…
If I cried tear drops that big, I’d cry too.
Don’t be such a cry puppy, grow up!
Goodbye racism week, hello gay dog week…
thats ones acutaly saddd…
well, the puppy is.
the words are funny tho…
may all your dreams come true! =p
I wonder if Hot Topic will stock this. Every emo kid needs one of these!
Crying Dog Haiku
Little Doggie Cries
Racism week is over
Hatred goes dormant
that’s no tear… that’s a PRISON TAT FOR KILLING A CAT
Corny but this is actually beautiful in a way–the poem, not the puppy, although the puppy is very cute as are all puppies.
I love how sometimes Engrish can jump from being an amazingly bad use of English to being an innovative or, at least, a more interesting use of English than the norm. This is a good example of that.
Careful he might wet the bed
If you want to grow your small dream, get viagra.
hes cryin bec his mom is a b*tch
That little guy… He’s got the heart of a champion! You just keep scrapin’ along… *sobs*
Tearpuppy cries so can haz engrish now? kthnx.
And that makes you cry because…?
Dogs, always so emotional…!
What is their obsession with unhappy animals? Shouldn’t the dog be glad that it’s chasing it’s small dream?
… More importantly, AUTOGRAPH book?
pwease don’t put me in the wok :'(
Even a crying puppy can’t rhyme a word with itself, that’s just cheating…
i still dont understant why he is crying…
Dammit! Timmy fell down the well again didn’t he!
And I run and I run from this scary happiness thing.
Growing a small dream. Are they out of their tiny minds?!
Dream grow small tear dog. Cute puppy hophope. Love shine grow cry happy not.
Because all autograph albums should depress domesticated animals
some dogs sing for their supper this one crys so he wont become supper
And then I lick my anus of full happy love for you and I together apart!
If someone drew a big white tear on my face I’d be crying too…
that little dogs head is as big as his whole body!
Who let the dog pout? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Damn, if I could just catch that truck.
He lost his man best friend
and i hopes that thats not crayon on that poor puppy’s face.
at least this dog got a dream!
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