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Obama headquarters…
where miracles can be bought. unfortunately they’re sold out, you have to pray now
No shoes allowed, for this is Holy ground that you walk on.
And because……the floors were just buffed….
The place where Heavenly Ham got it’s start …
Forgive me sales lady, for I have shopped…
Jesus sells!
God loves you, but he needs money!!
(taken from a line from standup comedian George Carlin)
Buying here really saves you money and your soul.
shopping heaven!
So this is what the gates of heaven look like…
I was walking down a long, bright tunnel…something was compelling me to walk towards the incredible deals….
Bless me father for I have sinned, I’ve partaken of the discounts of another shop twice this week.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, may blessed be this shop and may their sales be reasonable.
My Lord, I ask that you cut this price in half, that I may buy it within my income.
My mother and my sister would love this place, the shoppers that they are!
Special weekend sale: spend hundred bucks, and get healed by Jesus for free!
Blessed are the shoppers for they shall recive special store discounts.
Jesus saves (and so can you!).
Jesus Christ, these prices are low!
they stock holy hand grenades at forgiving price.
Oh, I shop there religiously
-Where can I find thy groovy boxers, minion?
-Section 43, just around the corner, good sire.
even gawd loves to shop ;>)
Getting a good bargain really is a religious experience.
Enter all of ye by this door to the shop of God…
“…And lead us not into expenses, but deliver us from rip-offs, for Thine is the Bargain, the fashion and the sales, forever and ever. Amen”
MYLORD – and Talyor!
Buy now, pray later.
(Couple on the right of the picture…)
“Those shoes…they were so expensive”
“I think I eat something that didn’t quite agree with me”
“I told you not to ask for the special”
“I wanted the special”
“I don’t like this place. Those shoes were so expensive”
“I need to go home. Quickly. You drive.”
Those two on the right don’t seem too happy about the ceremony…..
It just goes to show: You can throw the merchants out of the temple but you can’t throw the temple out of the merchants.
Mylord department store: featuring the “Sweet Jesus Candy Counter” and “Whore of Babylon Cosmetics Boutique.”
…Featuring “Mary’s Stable”, where shopping mothers may leave their babes in comfortable mangers while they shop.
May the Shop be with you!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! He shall shop forever and ever! Alleluia! Alleluia! (Handel’s Messiah)
I knew Heaven was a mall…
And the Lord said unto them, “Save 30-60% on our early-bird special going on this Friday!”
Oh my God! Is there any outlet of God Burger at the food court?
Stocking holy hand grenades at forgiving price for the holy war?!!!!
Jesus Christ, is expensive like hell!
i think the Devil couldn’t shop for Prada here…
Not to be confused with Mall of the Holy….
Blessed are the teenage shoppers, for their parents shall inherit the credit card bill.
yeah but you have to be on the two bouncer’s guest list to shop here Pearl and Lee Gates —-its okay ill let that marinade for a while until u get it.
the shop of the true believers!
Well, is this referring to God or King George?
My lord, their clothes are too expensive!
Just the place to do my Sunday shopping! 🙂
“Excuse me Mylord, may i request, Mylord, permission, Mylord, to shop?”
Ok if anyone laughs at that and means it, thank you!
please kneel down before entering