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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
The fish need the variety…
posted on 8 Sep 2008 in Chinglish
Then cry me a river…
Photo courtesy of David Collins.
Found above a western toilet in Yunnan province, China.
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Mommy, the fishies smell funny.
The opposite of water retention?
One time I caught a cheesy-poof THIIIIS big…
Home of Hurlit the Frog
No need to feed the fish, they’re already half-digested.
Tour guide: “Vomit the Pond was created when Lake Hurl overflowed its banks during Hurricane Ralph. As the flood waters receded, they also left behind some other popular tourist attractions such as Chunk Creek, Yak Harbor and the Gulf of Chunder.
…”Please keep off the technicolor lawn.”
But I didn’t drink the pond I swear!
Then you can poop the scoop
It’s easier than shooting for the moon.
Budget cuts may have forced the bulemia counciling center to give up it’s swimming pool but with a little creativity and a great deal of teamwork things were finally back to normal.
THIS close to edging out “Sonic the Hedgehog” for cartoon syndication
And here you see when man drink far too much and vomit a pond
Don’t worry. Fish forget what they eat fairly quickly.
oops sorry did I just drank the pond? No worries I’ll just vomit the pond
Cleaned by Cornholio the Cabana Boy
Ipecac (medicine used to induce vomiting) is available to feed the ducks
still better than the milk….
Well okay, if you say so…
if you are overhydrated… what are you gonna do?
when the lake completely dried out, we had 2 use our own creativity to bring it back to its former glory…. however, it does look quite…. er….. colored.
A resource of high grade puke.
bottled at the source
And to your left, Piss the river…
eww, the water looks like rotion.
why is there floating carrot?
what was this one really trying to say? i’m in tears laughing about this… usually they kind of make sense, this one, not so much.
any ideas?
You vomit the pond, I tear you a swimming pool
no swimming until you eat
This didn’t exactly make it on the list of the Great Lakes
“H0w ab0ut the cr0c0diles?”
“Keep them.”
We’re just “chumming” around.
So… only for chunky swimmers?
Jonah not included.
alright! alright! i said i was sorry!
wouldn’t it be easier just to not drink the water?
then blow the man down…i think.
can’t they just go back to peeing in the pond?
@cia i’m guessing they were trying to say NOT to vomit the pond…
When in China, do as the Chinese signs say
….great punk band, think they wrote a song called “Deficate the Lake”.
… and then rock the casbah
and Crammit the Frog
i knew i shouldnt have drank that pond water…
“mommy the pond tastes funny…”
Hurl the ocean?
2. Carefully fall into vomit