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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Â¥1,000 Boat goes so farthererererest you get lose!
I’m short on cash. Do you have a boat that goes nearerer?
Chinglish? Isn’t Â¥ Japanese yen?
Â¥1,500 Boat comes back again
Â¥ 1,000 screw the diving, buy the fish.
Y 200 dive deep
Y 270 dive deeper
Y 340 dive deeperer
Coming soon a submarine that goes downerer
Watching your friend get seasick during the ride… priceless.
See the Titanic 10 U.S.D
How far is far? Me want no far. Me want far far away!
glunter: no, it’s also used for the Chinese yuan.
To infinity, and fartherer!
How much to just drop me off back in Los Angeles?
dude, one of the bestest pix so far =P
The sequel to Far and Farther: Far and Fartherer
Upwards of 1000 yen, boat goes farthererererererer
Or for a thousand I can take you night huntingtingting.
And the price for the unfortunate beginners has yet to be announced…
No one who has gone beyond 2 spots fartherer has ever returned…
I won’t go far, i’m still beginnerer…
I know that isn’t really a caption, but I love how one of the options is just plain ‘boat’.
How much to take all the troopseses?
^ alot of wordses to answer….
Prices don’t make me feel betterer =(
in a place far fartherer away…
extra 220 for night hunting, we make sure you keep limbs
Blonde Model: Heh heh Goggles are pretty…
1000 yen knight hunting….
..from fartherest boat
Bada Bing! You never come back.
駱馬 If you go three spots farthest, you enter an interdimensional time warp….
Far, farther, fartherer, farthest…
Ok, I think ‘farth’ is a unit of length in metric.
how much for fartherererest
hey thats the chick from battlestar galactica
900 go moon
i wonder how much they pay for fartherererer…
Â¥ 0 Boat goes way to far, just keep it
1000Y Ye be off the map with me, Matey! Here there be monsters!
i would like to go fartherester please
what is the price for beginnerers?
Of course, they fail to mention that “Fartherer” is five feet away from “Farther”…
Mind you guys, it’s only for Beginners…
880 Yuan for night hunting..err, what are we going to hunt for?
how bout for the Advanced Level? how far? the next country?
farfartherfarthererfartherest…..and so on…
I want boaterer
Is it 730 yuan for the boat to only go 1 spot fartherer from farthererest?
My brain went fartherer.
are the reefs in fatherer more beautifuler than the fartherest?
Second star to the right, and farfarfartherester ’til morning
Forgive me fartherer, for I have sinned.
10000Â¥ Return you from opposite direction…
780 boat goes farthererer
No, bring me closer!
Go scuba divering! it real funnerist