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What they don’t tell you until you’ve already paid; the boat is actually going far, farther, fartherer and farthest INland
For ¥230, you can just SIT in the boat! You pay extra to go farther and fartherer.
um… what’s night hunting?
Hunting goes far
Hunting goes farther
Hunting goes fartherer
Hunting 3 shoots farthest
Day Fighting…etc
How long is far in kilometers?
What if i want to get off at the 1st spot farthest ??? boat doesn’t stop there ? WTF
How much for fartherererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer? I need to get back to my planet.
And if you double the price, we’ll take you back alive! What a deal!
All new improvised scuba diving superlatives
Please, keep fartherer me away China from.
(Yen) 780 becomes when you go farthererer!
boat two spots fartherer and you lose network…..go verizon buying!
for 1000 yen you can do morning hunting
Its not yen, its Yuan, chinese.. Yen has 2 lines
i’m on the run….i’ll do anything if u take me to the fartestestest safererest place with your boat!!!
Y1000 boat stops going fartherer and you dive
And well take you at Ridiculous speed
“So, how was everything?” “Oh we had a lovely time, thank you.” “Alright then, so let’s see here…you left the coast?” “Yes.” “So 180. Did you take the boat?” “Yes.” “So that’s another 230…So did you go anywhere?” “We went farther!” “Oh how nice! Whereabouts?” “Just past the bay.” “Oh, I’m afraid that’s fartherer, so that’ll be 580…” “How can that be fartherer? We could still reach the bottom!” “The bottom! Well that’s the farthest you can go. That’ll be an extra 580.” “But…but we didn’t even get to see anything it was so dark down there!” “You mean it… Read more »
Night hunting what?
Night hunting
Night hunting farther
Night hunting fartherer
Night hunting too far.
what a bargain…it cost me Â¥880 to go farthest night hunting with my boat. i cant believe believe i payed that other company Â¥1200 just to go 2 spots fartherer.
I think I would get along well with the person who made this sign. Okay, they don’t really understand English, but could YOU come up with a way to describe 6 (!) different distances in a way that a native Chinese speaker could immediately understand?
Free: When Boat turn upside down
On a clear day, you can see foreverer.
The mark Â¥ is normally used in China meaning Yuan (RMB), not Japanese Yen. That’s confusing.
where does regular boat go?
They pay you ¥120 to scuba-dive in the sand onshore.
Â¥1,000 Hunting Night.
The fartherer you go, the less you make sense.
What about the home cost? Are they gunna hunt the begginers or somthing?
This for beginnererer. You want boat that go farthererest, you need be experterer.
…And don’t forget drifting directions…..Laugh and scream!
how much for farthererer?
980 – Boat no return !
fartherest, fartheresterer, fartherestererest, farthererererestererer…
pay ¥10000 and you get to check the ocean floor in a body bag !
I didn’t know English had become an agglutinative language.
This totally a cover for a prostitution outfit.
Se Jane go far
See Dick go farther
run, Jane, run
Run from Dick!
they are now offering an exlusive farthererer round trip ticket. 850yen.
then after that, the bot goes farther-er-er
at night we nunt you
Good thing I was not going to rent it for a month.. that would be fartherererestestestesteresterestereesretethethehthehth…
scuba diving night hunting = catching fishes at night?
Hey honey here’s your ultimate scuba diving and fishing experience. Go on! I won’t miss you, promise.