Instant cold shower protection…
Photo courtesy of ‘Max’. Found in Hiroshima, Japan.
…with TWO covet-fighting ingredients!
It’s just Preparation-H remarketed.
I’m sorry but I enjoy my hose too much to use an anti-lust spray that says “pop hose” on it.
Kills roaches, ants and libidos.
Feelin’ too Frisky? Get this now! Buy two and you will get the Horny Remover for free! Hurry up while stocks last! 😀
For those nights when your husband just wont take no for an answer!
I think my wife is using this…
Comes in three new scents; Lemon, Apple, and Ego enlarger.
Waaay better than mace
Warning: Long-term use may cause decrease in population.
Emits vapors which cause global cooling.
I… think I’ll use a little of that
China’s answer to its population problem
Damn…… I thought it was air freshner……. that explains why my husband “just wants to cuddle”
Perfect size for congressional Intern handbags!
Oh It burns!!!
Pfizer’s next step is to market gas masks and protective suits.
because sometimes…there’s just too much lust….
Celibacy never was easier…
Anti-lust spray + viagra = disappointed old man + happy old woman
WARNING………. The I in ‘ANTI` was a manufacturing failure ANTS themselves will cling to whichever part of the body that spray is applied.
TY – HIROBO Management Team
WARNING: regular use will cause genitals to rust from disuse!
cheaper than marriage…
I think my body emmits that naturally.
… for pervs too!
Hey, it’s useful when on Japanese trains!
Look for our anti-envy cream and anti-sloth paint!
the original Axe Body Spray packaging wasn’t reaching their desired demographic.
One less deadly sin to worry about…
And I thought R.C. just used to make Cola…
For the RC, there’s the anti-lust spray; for the C of E, there’s the anti-sodomy spray; for the AME, there’s the …
Smells like disappointment.
FINALLY!! I can go to the strip club and not piss away a house payment!
I need that! I need that!
hmm, does it work on meat and plastic?
From the makers of Pepper Spray…
Also marketed in Europe under the name:
Industrial Strength Catholic Priest Repellent.
Located in the lingerie department.
perfect defense against rapists!
rapist: i’m going to rape you!!!
young lady: *sprays anti-lust spray*
rapist: on second thought, i’ll just go home…
That would actually come in pretty handy.
If they sprayed this stuff in highschools, everyone would get much better grades.
Why would I pay for this stuff when I can just think of Rosie O’Donnell and lose my boner for free?
For when she has the “headache”
ohw very important that’s finally been brought to the market, we can finally focus on our real LIVEGOALS
For the pedophile on the go…
In a wide variety of colors. New from Lustoleum.
i think my friend john owns anti-lust spray …
oooohh burnn!
technology is amazing !
Good for use against any stalker?
Catholic priests should think about investing in some!
…with TWO covet-fighting ingredients!
It’s just Preparation-H remarketed.
I’m sorry but I enjoy my hose too much to use an anti-lust spray that says “pop hose” on it.
Kills roaches, ants and libidos.
Feelin’ too Frisky? Get this now! Buy two and you will get the Horny Remover for free! Hurry up while stocks last! 😀
For those nights when your husband just wont take no for an answer!
I think my wife is using this…
Comes in three new scents; Lemon, Apple, and Ego enlarger.
Waaay better than mace
Warning: Long-term use may cause decrease in population.
Emits vapors which cause global cooling.
I… think I’ll use a little of that
China’s answer to its population problem
Damn…… I thought it was air freshner……. that explains why my husband “just wants to cuddle”
Perfect size for congressional Intern handbags!
Oh It burns!!!
Pfizer’s next step is to market gas masks and protective suits.
because sometimes…there’s just too much lust….
Celibacy never was easier…
Anti-lust spray + viagra = disappointed old man + happy old woman
The I in ‘ANTI` was a manufacturing failure
ANTS themselves will cling to whichever part of the body that
spray is applied.
– HIROBO Management Team
WARNING: regular use will cause genitals to rust from disuse!
cheaper than marriage…
I think my body emmits that naturally.
… for pervs too!
Hey, it’s useful when on Japanese trains!
Look for our anti-envy cream and anti-sloth paint!
the original Axe Body Spray packaging wasn’t reaching their desired demographic.
One less deadly sin to worry about…
And I thought R.C. just used to make Cola…
For the RC, there’s the anti-lust spray; for the C of E, there’s the anti-sodomy spray; for the AME, there’s the …
Smells like disappointment.
FINALLY!! I can go to the strip club and not piss away a house payment!
I need that! I need that!
hmm, does it work on meat and plastic?
From the makers of Pepper Spray…
Also marketed in Europe under the name:
Industrial Strength Catholic Priest Repellent.
Located in the lingerie department.
perfect defense against rapists!
rapist: i’m going to rape you!!!
young lady: *sprays anti-lust spray*
rapist: on second thought, i’ll just go home…
That would actually come in pretty handy.
If they sprayed this stuff in highschools, everyone would get much better grades.
Why would I pay for this stuff when I can just think of Rosie O’Donnell and lose my boner for free?
For when she has the “headache”
ohw very important that’s finally been brought to the market, we can finally focus on our real LIVEGOALS
For the pedophile on the go…
In a wide variety of colors. New from Lustoleum.
i think my friend john owns anti-lust spray …
oooohh burnn!
technology is amazing !
Good for use against any stalker?
Catholic priests should think about investing in some!