Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
Not bad once you get over the brown spots…
Treat yourself to a fine piece of ass tonight…
Photo courtesy of Matthew Lewis.
Found at restaurant in Beijing, China.
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Hey sweetie! Come here, have a bite of this fine, fine ass!
If you enjoyed doggy style then you will love Xiang Style right in your dry and fried ass meat.
xiang means sweet in chinese.
comes with a free chocolate starfish
He Haw that Cracks me up
I’ll take an order of that sweet ass.
Ahh…my Ass.. my Ass!!!
Hey, check out how juicy that sweet piece of ass is!
Ew, I wouldn’t eat it ‘cuz it was too close to someone’s genitalia… /irony
Getting a piece of ass is like pizza… when it’s good its good and when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.
I’m just glad it’s dry.
Actually, ass does also mean donkey in English
I like my ass well done.
I didn’t know they ate donkeys in China.
That’s one yummy, hot piece of ass.
it actully makes sense because somtimes donkeys r sometimes called asses
sweet ass, yummy yummy
Please take a seat on this grill and wait while your meal is being cooked.
It is donkey meat. Xiang means Hunan style (spicy).
So it’s some hot ass!
I’ll have one set of ass please 😀
Shrek I thought you were vegetarian.
This “xiang” is of another character rather than that of “fragrant, sweet”.
Its a abbr./another name for “Hunan” provinc in China
insane style?
Cannibal cuisine.
If only Albert Fish were still with us.
Not that this would help him.
He preferred his ass fresh, not dried.
OMG, you guys are killing me.
Hee haw, tastes sweet butt funky!
Wry are yew chewing on maah ass.
Oooo. Can i has some of your ass? 😀
Smokin hot ass with juicy gravy coming up
Is this Chinese for “RUMP ROAST”???
What really happened to poor Donkey after the Shrek Movies…
Actually, I wonder if they really mean “donkey” meat? Ew. 🙂
I hope they don’t pack fudge in that.
Xiang means sweet? I can’t resist sweet sauce on my ass! More please!
This must be the butt of every joke….no need to be so assinine about it.
May not make sense to Americans, but it means donkey meat in the UK!
For those who can read the Chinese: were they going for “donkey meat” or “rump roast” here, or is it just a random “we have no clue what we’re doing” kind of mistake?
I always wanted to try the Xiang style! But not fried…
Xiang styled ass*
Er… sorrie to spoil the fun, but I read chinese and it really means ass meat, i.e. donkey. So does it mean that it is not Engrish technically?
I suppose this gives new meaning to the term “Junk in the Trunk”
When you go to poop it out, ass comes out of ass.
That really burns my ass!
Hey, baby; Wanna do it Xiang style tonight?
– How would you like your ass, Sir?
– Ass soon ass possible!