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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
Shopping under the influence
posted on 20 Dec 2007 in Chinglish
This would explain all the Victoria’s Secret purchases…
Photo courtesy of Dave Bass.
Found in China.
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Don’t drink and drive! Drink and Shop! or Shop and Drink? Hm… What should we do first?
Friends dont let friend shop drunk.
Hey. My favourite pastime and my my wife’s favourite pastime!
there are many bars in each department store where the men go to wallow in alcoholic spirits
“Sir, do you know why you’ve been stopped in this aisle?”
‘No, offisker, I’m why not sure you… Uhm.. What was the kweshun?’
-Shopper charged with an SUI.. Shopping while under the influence.-
Hi my name is jay, I’m an alcoholic.
I had a bad accident shoping while drunk one time. It was horific, bags split all over the place, cracked eggs and ketchup sprayed up the walls. Three lives were lost.
And that’s why I joined A.A.
Drinking and Shopping, the perfect combination. Your wife spends your money on shopping, while you spend your wife’s money on drinking.
Woman : Come on, darling, let’s go shopping !…
Man (enthusiastic for once): ok, let’s go drinking.
Woman : No, I said shopping.
Man : Yeah, i heard you…drinking.
Woman: Shopping.
Man : Drinking.
Finally out, bags full of half-eaten fast foods and chips…
charging 30,000 dollars at the time seemed like a good idea–but i guess i don’t need these beani babies
“Bar codes”
The caption chosen says it all.
men: to the left, ladies to the right
This must have been the Inspiration for “Sex and the City”
… and then Sobering and Paying…
now I know where Lady Gaga buys her clothing… “I insist ma’am, that’s a lampshade, not a dress”
That’s the best liquor store sign ever….. I think …..or did i just get mixed up and paint two signs together? Glug Glug Glug
OK sonny, do you have a licence to shop here?
1. Drinking and shopping
2. Drinking and driving
3. Dying
Don’t Shop Drive!