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Aww, come on Steve, lets go sell our drum merchandise ELSEWHERE.
Dang you guys, i knew we shouldn’t have brought the dangerous in a flammable form…
What! Swinging train practice is off again! What do we have to do to get the authority parmation?
The expeled limg to homr in lebidual better stay in the bag…. …wherever cluin is.
Hmm perhaps the Japenese writing above will make more sense
“Hey old grand dad lets go riding around the motorcycle!”
Yeah ! Dont be leaving your damn Trush here ! Me sick of cleaning up trush….
But it’s midnight and I really wanted Roller lereae!
Restrainidly rough action? So I need to wear hancuffs if I assault someone?
i’m sorry grand Mum, but only old grand Dad can come in here
darn-i was so looking forward to making leonfire!
Can I bring my dangerous inside an ordinary box then?
Phew, lucky I decided to open a guitar shop in the park!
I wonder if authority will give me parmation to swing a tennis racket and airplane?
are Roller lereae allowed if I keep them in a cluin, too?
Old grand dad yo mama!
Our family only visits parks with a flying radio control plan in place. When a flying radio swarm attacks, you had better be prepared!
Awwww man, now where am I suppose to open my Drum Shop?
watch out for flying trains!
This lebdual is lemg to homr! also, flying radio contral plan.
now where is grandma gonna b wen granddad is relaxation in the park
not just eny drum shop
aww man… we can not swing no flying radio contral plan. what is the poin of going to Ahara Park Anymore…
can i have the parmation from the authority too?
But my whole business plan hinged on being able top open my drum shop in the park!
No Skate bord after 9pm? I only Skate bord in the dark!
All I’m saying is, Araha sounds like a pretty awesome place is they actually have to make a RULE about not opening drum shops.
Business has been rough, as we only have one other visitor, so we ask that you not disturb him, because we would like him to stay.
No Basket Court? aw man. I was hoping to play Basket here though. At least i can swing my train. Wait, I cant do that either? I hate you too Araha Park!
I always like to enjoy restrained rough action with others! Enjoying restrained rough action by yourself just isn’t the same…
HEY! Quit disturbing the visitor! hes the only one we’ve got!
“also flying radio control plan”
You guys here that? Better put our helmets on then!
I’m trying to keep my pet in cluin – but try and explain that to my pet!!!
how are we supposed to enjoy ourself with other people, without the rough action!?! come on!!!
Wow…this is by FAR the hardest thing to understand. HORRIBLE Engrish!
Just when you think you found the perfect place for a drum shop….
I don’t wanna work. I wanna bang the drum.
I don’t think they were trying for English. Indo-European, maybe.
Prease exprain all this!
But … !