Photo courtesy of Scott Murphy.
Picture of the back of a blood donation van.
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…. blood?
there’s blood right behind me, isn’t there?
A truly terrifying sight… If you’re a Jehova’s Witness. 🙂
Oh, and look, your disembodied hand.
slurp slurp
It’s a vampire trap!
Haaa! Made ya look. Now you’re grossed out…
I think their blood storage is leaking.
PERSON 1: Look, blood.
PERSON 2: No, duh.
Let’s blood!
Marketing to vampires
– Mommy! I see red people!
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…. blood?
there’s blood right behind me, isn’t there?
A truly terrifying sight… If you’re a Jehova’s Witness. 🙂
Oh, and look, your disembodied hand.
slurp slurp
It’s a vampire trap!
Haaa! Made ya look.
Now you’re grossed out…
I think their blood storage is leaking.
PERSON 1: Look, blood.
PERSON 2: No, duh.
Let’s blood!
Marketing to vampires
– Mommy! I see red people!