September 7th, 2005

Smokin’ Ashtray

Dirty habits aren't so bad...  

Photo courtesy of James Hart.

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September 6th, 2005

Getting Stoned

Don't ask me how beer works...  

Photo courtesy of Jessica Warren.

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September 5th, 2005

Soap Wrapper

Because I need the shampoo...  

Photo courtesy of Laura.

Words taken from a Billy Joel song. 

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September 2nd, 2005

Not my uncle…


Photo courtesy of Aaron Endsley.

Clothing shop found in Nagoya, Japan.

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August 31st, 2005

Passage of Time

Pleasant time loves company...  

Photo courtesy of Tim Drees.

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August 30th, 2005

Don’t Touch Me!

My lawn has some emotional baggage...


Sign found in China

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August 29th, 2005

No, it’s just cheap…


Photo courtesy of Jenni Kallberg.

Shirt found in Osaka, Japan. 

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August 26th, 2005

OK! Donkey

Photo courtesy of Robert N.

Engrish t-shirt found in Okinawa, Japan. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (117 votes, average: 4.62 out of 5)
August 25th, 2005

Rare Men

For those who like their men raw...  

Photo courtesy of Daniele Allard.

"Men" in Japanese means noodles. 

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August 24th, 2005

Join the Reform!

All previous beavers are now obsolete...

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