April 16th, 2012

Be proactive!

You may reconsider camping here...

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Beyeler. Found at public bus in Beijing, China. 

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Filter Posts!

April 15th, 2012

Will that be low-fat or regular?

Photo courtesy of Ben and Deenaree Voelker. Restaurant menu found in Hanoi, Vietnam. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (207 votes, average: 4.14 out of 5)
April 14th, 2012

Let it flow out

Photo courtesy of Clark S. Found in China. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (150 votes, average: 4.05 out of 5)
April 13th, 2012

This toy is a pain in the butt…

Photo courtesy of Randy Parsons.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (316 votes, average: 4.27 out of 5)
April 12th, 2012

Make way for the bad gay.

Photo courtesy of Chundermonkey.  Spotted in Hong Kong.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (306 votes, average: 4.73 out of 5)
April 11th, 2012

Good morning

Because the squash was already in a relationship...

Photo courtesy of Jim, Doug, Wendy and Chie. Found at hotel buffet in Japan. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (138 votes, average: 3.80 out of 5)
April 10th, 2012

You’re in for a ride!

Removes rough, dry skin!

Photo courtesy of Nicole and Joseph. Found in Tokyo. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (282 votes, average: 4.70 out of 5)
April 9th, 2012

Pass it back and forth

I'll do anything for love... except that.

Photo courtesy of Jim, Doug, Wendy and Chie. Found in Sapporo, Japan. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (348 votes, average: 4.59 out of 5)
April 8th, 2012

Wendy’s goes that extra mile…

Photo courtesy of Oliver Khaw. Found at a Wendy's chain restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (303 votes, average: 4.63 out of 5)
April 7th, 2012

Satisfactioi guaranteed

Photo courtesy of Houari. Office sign found in Daejeon, Korea. 

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