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Wild germs these days…

posted on 23 Aug 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

Wild germs need to get thicker skin…

Photo courtesy of J. Weeks.
Found in Hong Kong restaurant.

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Goes good with tea…

posted on 15 Aug 2011 in Menus

Photo courtesy of Christian Nesmith.
Found at Japanese restaurant in California.

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I’m glad they have an Engrish menu…

posted on 5 Aug 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

Photo courtesy of John Perry.
Menu found in Nanning, China.

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As in, this duck head sucks

posted on 15 Jul 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

Photo courtesy of Angela Merchant.
Menu found in China.

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It all looks so good! (Warning: contains 4-lttr word)

posted on 11 Jul 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

Photo courtesy of Daniel Chao.
Menu found in China.

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I’m not going to shell out a lot for insurance…

posted on 10 Jul 2011 in Engrish from Other Countries, Menus

The portions are unshellfish…

Photo courtesy of Ben Aguilar.
Found at San Gennaro festival in NYC.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (133 votes, average: 3.18 out of 5)

Chicken soup

posted on 15 Jun 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

I think the napkin just stole my wallet…

Photo courtesy of Rasmus Mortensen.
Menu found in Beijing, China.

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I scream scone

posted on 13 Jun 2011 in Menus, Snacks

The cornbread scones were delicious, but the
witty-yet-unfortunate name was a marketing failure…

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (178 votes, average: 4.05 out of 5)

He still had some fight left in him…

posted on 12 Jun 2011 in Chinglish, Menus

Mine’s wearing Birkenstocks!

Photo courtesy of Joakim Fannick.
Menu found in Taiwan.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (188 votes, average: 3.77 out of 5)

Fresh from my peehive

posted on 3 Jun 2011 in Engrish from Other Countries, Menus

So that’s why it stings when I pee…

Photo courtesy of John Joannides.
Menu found in NYC.

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