I think I speak for all gows when I say snooze it…

I think I speak for all gows when I say snooze it…

posted on 25 Feb 2024 in Chinglish, Clothing

Photo courtesy of Thomas Westbrook.
T-shirt spotted in Taiwan. 

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6 months ago

The lucky clock has a violent streak.

6 months ago

These friends gows waks all the time.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 months ago

How lucky is a clock that doesn’t have its hands in front of its face?

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 months ago

Not so much an alarm clock, more of a disturbed clock.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 months ago

There’s a switch on the back:
Waks ON
Waks OFF

6 months ago

Lucky Clock survived a terrible accident, losing both hands. Now has trouble with English and goes off several times a day.

Running Comment
Running Comment
6 months ago

Interesting…and for how long have you been having these dreams ?

Running Comment
Running Comment
6 months ago

When all Gows Waks…is it Halloween already ?

Last edited 6 months ago by Running Comment
Running Comment
Running Comment
6 months ago

@Myself – take two: When all Gows Waks – the rather unsuccessful sequel to The Silence of the Lambs.

Running Comment
Running Comment
6 months ago

@Coffeebot: so, more like a Lucky Crock, then ?

Running Comment
Running Comment
6 months ago


Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

Lucky Clock says, “It’s some time already!”

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

Even a broken clock vibrates twice a day.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

Lucky Clock is proud to use its hands as feet to make the Lucky Wak.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

“Look, Ma — no gows!”

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

Grandfather Clock thinks gow waks are wasted on the young.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
6 months ago

Lucky Clock’s Prozac and Thorazine are sold separately.

The Dude
The Dude
6 months ago

Considering there are nonbinary people, there are lots of people who friend the they.

6 months ago

When all gows waks…story of my life.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 months ago

I’ve used speaking clocks before. None of those spoke gibberish.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 months ago

I got the gows waks if you’ve got the time.

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