Photo courtesy of Fiona Lee.
Sanitation guaranteed
Much like Uzbekistani ironing boards
What’s your star sign?
Oh, I’m a Sanitarian.
Addams family merchandise.
Some people have a thing about skin care.
Bathe-thing for ba-thing in Bei-jing.
Clean your skin, protect your skin, healthy your skin.
I wonder if she would loan me a little skin for a few hpurs?
And I will wash it as fast as I wish.
Did I mention skin? I’m sure I didn’t. Skin, skin, skin… This product is very good for your skin!
She’s got that certain something.
@Classic Steve…Yes. But with aa good wash, she might get rid of it.
Maybe I could show-er something she might like.
For use in that water thing
I’ll take the woman thing…
And grow skin too!
Quite an imaginative marketing team. “We need a name for our new bathing thing. Wait, that’s it; I’m brilliant! Bathething. OK, next…”
Sanitation guaranteed
Much like Uzbekistani ironing boards
What’s your star sign?
Oh, I’m a Sanitarian.
Addams family merchandise.
Some people have a thing about skin care.
Bathe-thing for ba-thing in Bei-jing.
Clean your skin, protect your skin, healthy your skin.
I wonder if she would loan me a little skin for a few hpurs?
And I will wash it as fast as I wish.
Did I mention skin? I’m sure I didn’t.
Skin, skin, skin…
This product is very good for your skin!
She’s got that certain something.
@Classic Steve…Yes. But with aa good wash, she might get rid of it.
Maybe I could show-er something she might like.
For use in that water thing
I’ll take the woman thing…
And grow skin too!
Quite an imaginative marketing team. “We need a name for our new bathing thing. Wait, that’s it; I’m brilliant! Bathething. OK, next…”