I told you they had American food!

I told you they had American food!

posted on 17 Sep 2018 in Chinglish, Menus

Photo courtesy of Ben Fabrislane.
Menu found in China. 

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Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 years ago

Dad didn’t really like fatty cow, but he decided to grit his teeth and eat it. With real grit.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 years ago

#3 – Looks like someone has been barbecuing while naked.

6 years ago

Thank goodness it’s not trans fatty cow!

6 years ago

Donald loves a fatty cow

6 years ago

Nests and fatty cow. Spoilt for choice

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 years ago

@algernon | 4:40 am: There’s only one person Donald loves… oh. I see what you mean. 😉

6 years ago

The Chinesee shouldn’t talk about “kano” women like that.

Classic Steve
6 years ago

I’ll have the word salad.

6 years ago

A virile young lad named Priddle,
Caught his two fine nuts in the griddle,
The girls all cried,
For they were totally fried,
And would no longer squirt into their middle.

6 years ago

Long long ago in China, a Kano Fatty Cow, made its nest in the Longerwood Tree. Now the fatty cow had such a lovely time, flying around and terrorising the Crows. It also made friends with the Doves, and Parrots, and even the Magpies. However, because of the weight of the Fatty Cow, and the number of cycles (Takeoffs and landings) that it performed daily, the tree started to suffer from wood-fatigue. Eventually during one of the Fatty Cow’s landings, the branch broke off. The Fatty Cow fell on its head on the ground. The branch followed it and got… Read more »

Running Comment
Running Comment
6 years ago

@Marum 7:54am: methinks you have been eating too much Medicine Flower.

Sharon Molloy
Sharon Molloy
6 years ago

Is the lake a nest too?

Yu No Hoo
Yu No Hoo
6 years ago

Breeze balls is something I usually get with an open fry.

seventy2rd o clock
seventy2rd o clock
6 years ago

A is too the lake a nest
B is too the Number Two

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
6 years ago

Fatty cow is IN.

Peter Chan
Peter Chan
5 years ago

Got the balls to order from this menu, anybody?

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