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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wear me sport splendid victory
A jock strap perhaps
Remember: Always bring a towel, and always protect your Yechun.
Ask your doctor if victorious splendor is right for you.
All the splendidly are belong to YOU!
No.0006? This is endorsed by Patrick McGoohan and produced in The Village.
Is that some kind of English flag in the top right corner, with some food spilled all over it, or are just happy to protect me?
She’s facing the wrong way.
What is a yechun and why does it need protection?
Dear manufacturer: I used your product and it made me sport all over the room. Is this normal?
Let’s Chastity!
That woman keeps her waist in an odd place!
I take a size 7-1/2 Yechun Protector.
She’s waiting for NO:0007
Diamonds are belong to you forever.
May the sport be with you… always.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine all the victory is belong to me forever.
Yes indeed. I will splurt more splendidly, if you help at the right time.
007 = Licensed to kill.
0007 = Licensed to irritate slightly?
If your victorius splendour lasts more than 4 hours, you may damage your Yelcheun.
How are you gentlemen!!
All your victory belong to you forever.
You have no chance to lose make your time.
So you’re saying this item MAKES you sport? I think I’ll pass, no matter how splendid it is…
@Marum and my Wife has both licenses!
@ timmy: my condolences to you
Fazers on stun, Mr Yelchun.
“Aye captain.”
“How can this be unsportsmanlike conduct? This WAISTBELT SUPPORT makes me sport more sportsmanlikely!”
Deluxe version has WASTEBELT support, for an ostomy bag.