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Short-order king wanted
With 43 beans
Likes them tender
Lord of the Fries?
Chocolate French Fries a la king only available for a short time. Get them while they last!
Nestle’s new product line: chocolate covered emperors. They go well with chocolate rabbits for Easter.
The stir fried emperor totals up to steam.
Those cereal killers finished him …
They should cook him longer. An emperor needs to be tough!
None for me, thanks. That kind of food is way too rich.
Prince Albert is going to stay in his can.
The Milky Bar Kid found a new hobby…
“The stir fried emperors are on me!”
It’s Alexander the grated.
Sorry Charile, Nestle wants potentates that taste great.
Well, it’s true that KitKat has a lot of unique flavors in Japan; I guess this is just one of them…
Try also our six days old Dairy Queen of Scotch
Emperor penguin ?
“Penguins is practically chicken.”
For a short time…that’s why they call him Nestle Quik!
@Frank Burns: …. practically chicken…. if you cooked the chicken in cod liver oil. Ugh! I wouldn’t want to eat penguin!
Soylent green tastes much better when covered in chocolate.
One chocolate Napoleon to go!
That happens if you fiddle around.
A new reason to boycott Nestle.
(I wonder how many people will get this)
Genghis Kharamel.
The Emperor Has No Milk Duds.
they always were a dodgy company
Hershey broils a prime minister for quite a while
When you start eating the dish, the servers chant “God Saves the Queen!”
The Emperor has obviously been shanghaied.
Yes. I agree. Most of our politicians should be fried in hot oil, until crisp.
Now introducing Bit-o-finger – crunchy peanut butter with real emperor fingers, mmm!
“Nobody better lay a finger on my Bit-o-Finger!”
Cadbury Schweppes fries him in crab.
@szk: I think they’re filled with re-Morse for what they did. 😉
The emperor has no cloves!
Found in a shack in Siberia, 1917.
You can’t cook His Highness slow if it’s Quik.
@BFC. Maybe, “Phil the Greek” shaved her first.
Nestle also juiced the Queen for a while.
Emperor is in oven!!
A Napoleon with an Asian twist.
Not to worry, your Majesty; it’s just… erm… hot oil therapy.