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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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God Save the President!
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U.S.A. = UK Serves Authority
God Shave The Queen
No its Canada
Well best of British then
Of course the official language is Engrish
George Washington’s original T-shirt, worn at the signing of the declaration of independence.
Appropriately, I just had our traditional breakfast of kippers and grits.
United States of Anglia.
I love black in the Union Jack
Uneducated Shirtmakers Association.
Well, it used to be called New England…
President Charles is the incoming president.
Oh bugger. Charles, dear, someone has leaked our plans to have the Royal Navy take back the colonies.
The flag made up of the crosses of St George Washington, St Andrew Jackson and St Patrick Henry.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Range rover.
The British are coming! The British are coming! And they are carrying…valentines?!
The greenbacks will have “God Saves the Queer” in place of “In God we Trust”
I G U (I Give Up)…Along with it just plain making NO sense whatever, wouldn’t one think that IF they had their hearts set on periods after the letters, they could have made sure they had enough periods on hand to do it right, and give one to the A, as well?
))sigh(( o.0
What? Of course the UK loves the USA! When did they not?
A plane crashes on a desert island. There are only a few survivors: three Americans, three French and an Englishman. Six months later: one of the American men has killed the other and is now living with the his wife, the three French people have decide to become a threesome and the Englishman is still waiting to be introduced to the others.
USA = United Shirts of America
USB = United States of Britain
GCHQ finally got its wish.
God Save the Dairy Queen
At least it’s not an IS flag.
50% USA / 50% UK
Wash separately
HRH Prince Obama will now give you an audience.
The shippers need to stop flaunting their political OTPs.
– Mommy, I want to go to WcDonald’s!
Welcome to alternate history fashion!
United States of Anglia
The Star-Spangled Britain, anybody?
Oh say have you seen, Oh god please save our Queen,
For she’s lost in the States, where she’s probably screaming
From the drivers who drive, not on left but the right,
And lack of the “U” in “color” has her all steaming
And the way people glare, oh how rudely they stare,
When Her Majesty asks for some crumpets so rare
If only she went off to Ca-na-da ‘s white hill’s
Where the metric system’s used, and her picture’s on their bills!
…you don’t have to be it to speak it. ^_^
No, youre doing it wrong
T-shirt printer: “Eh, those Western guys all look the same to me anyhow. And who can make sense of those crazy 26 squiggles they call the ‘alphabet’? Why can’t they just speak Mandarin? If it was good enough for Confucius, it’s good enough for me…”