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Turde lights up my life
Doesn’t hold a match to anyone
– And now, everybody crap your hands!
Christmas is happy but we are not.
Live long and phosphor…
To match with the silver bells and tin-sle.
Missed it by THAT much.
Happy LED Year!
How to be your own New Year’s Eve fireworks.
Phosphorus and turds? Have a fertilized Christmas!
And to all a Good Nitrogen.
I’m dreaming of a White Bismuth.
I’m having to go easy this Christmas. My ex hasn’t been paying my Antimony.
Deer friends,
I wish you Exploding Christmas and Sulfurous New Year!
Nothing like the smell of incendiaries at Christmas
I put my money into one of those investment schemes to become more phosphorous, but I only got burnt.
Bismuth as usual after the Christmas break.
If you think Shri is uncooperative the other bloke is r turde.
Don’t you know about the Turde?
Everybody knows the Turde is the word!
Papa ooh mow mow, papa ooh mow ma mow……
(sorry folks, I couldn’t help myself.)
to all those working in the mining and firework industry
Little known fact: Sanjaybhai has two brothers named Willie & Pete.
The writer’s favorite Christmas movie must be “Die Hard.”
If you have to work on New Year’s Eve, I hope you get paid at the appropriate nitrate.
♫ and nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,
and iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium ♫
In India you ‘re safe with phosphorus, you won’t get trampled by a herd of wild elements.
♩♪ I’m dreaming of white phosphorus… ♬
good ruck and cheer — turde meat roaf
Well, at least – no nipple!
Nama’stay’ away from me!!! D-:=
For that flaming bag of turde.
His real surname is Turd, but an ancestor thought it would be classier to add an “e”.
Turde is the president of the India Pyromaniac Society.
You better watch out! You better not cry!
You better not pout! I’m tellin’ you why,
Sanjaybhai is Coming to Town!
@Biff: How about some new elements?
lawrencium, rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium
meitnerium, darmstadtium,, bohrium, and hassium.
roentgenium and copernicium…
japanium, livermorium, flerovium, moscovium…
We Vishnu a Merry Christmas.
@Sparky: Now that’s funny!
Mercury Christmas and may the New Year be phosphorus and fluorine vibrantly.
It should read ‘Shri Sanjaybhai III’. And ‘a mercury Christmas’.
And many happy reburns
Merry Krishna-mas!
Happy Glowing New Year!
Mr. Hankey’s political rival for the battle of Xmas: Mr. These
best south park episode evar 😉
(Damn u autocorrect!)
Mr. Hankey’s political rival for the battle of Xmas: Mr. Turde
Best south park episode evar 😉
A man named Turde wishing a Phosphorous New Year? He must have sent this to relatives in Nauru. (Obscure joke reference.)