My wife cooks the best cleaning products…
Photo courtesy of Jon Maggio.
Is the hovse wife a horse.
So many letters so little order.
Jie Lin’s daily necessity is a good translator.
I’d rather have my wife in the hovse than out in the horld.
Product endorsed by Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr,
You can get a hithout scar from a fencing duel.
Designed by a Scruba-diver.
It must be damn good, if it is culpable of cleaning China.
Instant cleaning, just add Chou Jiang Xin Cun.
I see the Engrish.
The left the “t” off his name.
His brother’s name is Sum Cun.
The Scrubing King – the new Disney release soon in a theater near you.
♪♫ I like Chinese, I like Chinese, They only come up to your knees, Yet they’re wise, and they’re witty, and they’re ready to please ♪♫
My refngerator is full of plastic silk worms.
Yeah, still remember the desperate hovse wifes.
Like they say: You can lead a hovse to specii but you can’t make her horld.
I have added the Chou Jiang Xin Cun, but all I received was a hithout scar.
Jie Lin needs a good shrink.
@RC….As he is only 4’11” tall, a good stretch might be more useful.
Is the hovse wife a horse.
So many letters so little order.
Jie Lin’s daily necessity is a good translator.
I’d rather have my wife in the hovse than out in the horld.
Product endorsed by Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr,
You can get a hithout scar from a fencing duel.
Designed by a Scruba-diver.
It must be damn good, if it is culpable of cleaning China.
Instant cleaning, just add Chou Jiang Xin Cun.
I see the Engrish.
The left the “t” off his name.
His brother’s name is Sum Cun.
The Scrubing King – the new Disney release soon in a theater near you.
♪♫ I like Chinese, I like Chinese, They only come up to your knees, Yet they’re wise, and they’re witty, and they’re ready to please ♪♫
My refngerator is full of plastic silk worms.
Yeah, still remember the desperate hovse wifes.
Like they say: You can lead a hovse to specii but you can’t make her horld.
I have added the Chou Jiang Xin Cun, but all I received was a hithout scar.
Jie Lin needs a good shrink.
@RC….As he is only 4’11” tall, a good stretch might be more useful.