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In other words, a Subway targeted towards carnivorous plants. Enjoy your raw flies.
So, what’s on offer…grazing ?
Bean there, done that.
I remember those photos in National Geographic. Never saw a native with a foot-long.
How do they taste
As a place where you can turnip and dine for a small part of your weekly celery, it can’t be beet. Don’t like puns? I don’t carrot all.
I was unaware that vegetable was a carnivore.
Native Diet ? I like natives, but I couldn’t eat a whole one.
I like my ham and cheese sangers with a particular fruit.
Always eat your native lady first.
If she has the good manners to return the favour; that would be ideal.
Ask about our fresh buns and jumbo cucumbers — they’re naturally ideal!
@EM….The Polski Ogorki, are delicious.
But I have given up eating them all of the time, as I used to.
The reason is thus, commercial pickles usually contain Alum. (to keep them crunchy)
eg.NaAl(SO4)2·6 H2O, MgSO4·7H2O and Al2(SO4)3·17 H2O
NB, could be K instead of Na. (KCl is sold in Oz as. “Lite Salt.”
Therefore, I try not to ingest too much Al; or Sodium too.
Regards….Marum. (Die Salzfreikatze)
BTW: Alum is a good settling agent for Home Brew. Wait until all the crap settles to the bottom, and then decant your beer. It should be nice and clear.
Edit: Alum = Aluminium Metabisulfate – for the non technical.
Correction . I mixed two formulae together.
NaAl (SO 4) 2·12 H2O
KAl (SO4) 2-12 H2O
Mg etc
Cucumbers and pickles are quite different here: cukes are the raw ingredient and pickles the brined product.
Me? I have not been able to eat/drink *any* of my favorite food/bevs for 4+ years, thanks to a chemical KO of my pancreas via Keytruda immunotherapy for stage 4 lung/brain cancers.
Good luck with your own chems.