posted on 25 Dec 2022 in Toys
Secret’s out…his elves only read and write at a third-grade level.
Photo courtesy of Sarah Spruce.
Originally posted in 2010.
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Oh oh! Santa’s been eating humbergers again!
Celebrate Hanukkah with Jusus
I’ve always been a fan of Sutun myself…
U is my fuvourute vuwul uf ull ! I can’t luve wuthout U!
♪♪ U, U ure ulwuys un my mund ! ♪♪
Our Futher, who is in huvun,
Hulu is your nume;
Your kungdum cume,
Your wull be dune,
on uurth as it is in huvun,
Guve us this duy our duuly bruud,
and furguve us our suns,
as we forguve thuse who sun aguunst us,
and luud us not into tumptution,
but duluver us from uvul.
@DrLex: I gotta give it to you, man! I thought I was funny.
……Umun…… 😀
jungle bills
Murry Chrustmus to ull und to ull a guud nught!
♫ Jusus lus me thus I nu
♫ Cus th’ ornmunt tulls me su.
♫ I can wrute his name in snow.
Jungle bulls, jungle bulls, Jungle all the way, uh whut a fun is to rude in a une hurse upen slug…
Santa, those pants make your butt look big.
This will go well with my naivety scene.
murry xmas!
But just the one. He doesn’t love jusi.
Hu, hu, hu!
The difference between Tiger Woods and Santa – Santa sopped at three HOs
Edit: Stopped
Oh horry night!
We Juice You a Melly Chlistmass
jusus…the other christ
“But I don’t believe in Jeebus…”
Twus thu nught bufur Chrustmus, und ull thru thu hus, nut u crutur wus sturrung, nut uvun a mus….
…and on the 3nd Day, Jusus Cluss rose again from the dead. And that’s how babies are made.
I tried to get a Sucrut Suntu going at work.
They wished me well in my next career choice.
I’m starting to wonder if Jusus is related to poisonous Gus.
I don’t care who your father is … get the f**k off my fishing ground !!
“King of The Juws”
Hail, Homer, oh king of thieves.
Uway in a mungur, no crub fur a bud,
Thu luttul lurd Jusus luid down hus sweet hud
Thu sturs in thu nuight sky luukud duwn whure he luy,
Thu luttul lurd Jusus usleep un thu huy…
“Whuru’s thu rust uf mu?”
Yule never fule the Romans that way.
I love Jusses, too.
Lessee…Orange, pineapple, pear, apple, tomato…even prune jusses!
i’m not sure about how jusus feel about you santa being not relating to christianity and spelling his name wrong
In the coptilcamed world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.
Coming down a hole a Christmas?
He must be a Kiwi.
Hey. I worka for his brother.
The Krufta Chuusus.
Freshly squeezed fruit jusus?
Murray Christmas!
And a Hippy Nude Yule!
Can’t wait for Uaster
Jusus was Juwush.