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Full of balls.
Goes with the beers.
I prefer those fancy hotels with an actual ballroom.
Cashew, brazil, or hazel
I hope the sign maker got the sack.
All the doors are unhinged.
People using the door on the other side stay at STUN LETOH.
They get their own sign? Must be way better than those little packets on the plane.
When staying with us, be sure to visit our Whacko Lounge!™
“Hey Earlene – look! Squirrels gots their own motels now!”
Free coffee by Chock full o’Nuts®!
“Two for the Napolean Complex, please – or else we invade!”
“Sorry, the Charles 6th suite is booked – how about the George 3rd chamber?”
Conveniently located near Chumley’s Rest!
You gotta have balls to spend the night there…
They are crunchy !
I hear that staying here is a balls-out experience.
After two scothches most Japs are. They like a good whisky, but they can’t hold it.
The correct translation was: Hotel California.
Nuts being what they are.
I can’t imagine why they didn’t just call it “NUTS INN”.
@DnT….Because; nutzen (De) means to use, or avail yourself of. Therefore they want you to use their Motel – if you have a Yen for it.
Is that what you hang on the back of your hotel to make sure everyone knows about your toxic masculinity?
Oh, arguments? That’s next door. This is abuse!
During the war, this building was shelled.
So THIS is where our politicians have been having those conventions!
Let me rephrase that.
If you have a https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.0yFJLx8JjNsGzl846_Xq3AHaHa&w=160&h=160&rs=1&qlt=80&dpr=1.25&pid=3.1 en for it.
Let me rephrase that.
If you have a ¥en for it.