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Blows in technocolor
comes in a bottle
Hey, ladies; know any men who blow hot and cold?
All those sizes! Even 350mls would be one helluva weekend!
“High vacuum”…. well, that explains it. 😈
Also known as don lemonade.
Aa the girl from the Sperm Bank said. “Thank you sir, please come again.”
18/8 stainless steel cokware, can’t be hardened by heating and cooling.
@Marum: It isn’t the steel that needs to be hardened. 😉
BTW. 18/8 Stainless steel is basically: 18% Cr; 8% Ni, 0.8% C; 50% Fe. It is often called 304 grade. If it is really cheap it is probably not. A magnet will not stick to it. If a magnet does, it probably has no nickel, Probably 430 grade – possibly. Also beware of cookware of unknown provenance. The Chinese cheap stuff often has lead added, to make it more workable/machineable. ie. softer. If it sounds too good to be true. It usually is….Marum.(The mad engineer – yup i did six months Blacksmithing in my original trade – loved it and… Read more »
Turkey baster sold separately.
I bought one for Willie.
Fatal design flaw for commercial (“cumercial”?) use.
For milking the bulls.
BTW.For they whom the assumption is, that I am implacably anti-Chinese, you are totally incorrect.
The Chinese manufacture to specification.
If I specify Cr 18; Ni 10; Si 0.15: C 0.8 and so on, by percentage. That is what I will get, and that is what I will pay for. And I will bloody well test it to make sure. There also will be a tolerance figure too. eg. + – 0.5%
If however, I order by minimum price, that too, is what I will get.
That’s gonna be hard to fill.
Adding Latin to Engrish is like adding rose petals to horse manure.
@DnT That is like the two homosexual blokes who went to an Egyptology exhibition.They were standing next to the sign which said sarcophagi, taking selfies.
2500ml! That’s quite ambitious.
High Vaccum, too!
I hate to throw cold water (heh) on the discussion, but bottle-cum-flask is a proper usage. In this case “cum” means “and.” Derived from “cumulative.”