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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Gives you a bit of a shock
An offer too good to re-fuse.
Such friendly power
Depends on what part of your anatomy the electrodes are attached to.
(Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough)
It’s just a phase they’re going through.
When we suggested finding an outlet for your fantasies, we didn’t mean that kind of outlet!
AC/DC has a new album coming out!
Nice? Are you positive?
If he is positive and she is negative, resistance is futile.
Two Hydrogen atoms are walking down the road when one stumbles.
FIRST ATOM: “Are you all right?”
FIRST ATOM:”Are you sure?”
SECOND ATOM:’I’m positive.’
@ Marum: Two tectonic plates walk into a bar. One stumbles and bumps into the other. He says, “Sorry-my fault.”
eye had a nis elekric shok
Customer: So how much are you going to charge me?
Cashier: 300
Customer: 300 what?
Cashier: [lifts out battery cables behind desk]
@Marum: If a Hydrogen atom was injured, how could we helium? 😛
@DnT. You would start by having a Radon any infection present. Then keep treating him until the injuries Argon.
@Eggrish: You reminded me of my favourite Born Loser cartoon strip.
Brutus Thornapple walks into hardware store.
Brutus: Do you have 2 watt bulbs?
Guy behind counter: For what?
B: No, two.
GBC: Two what?
B: Yes.
GBC: No.
Brutus storms out of shop.
Said the hydrogen atom, “I’m positive. I just lost my only electron”