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Made to look like muffins…
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Oat muffins, made with “used” oats.
– Waiter, my horse manure has got muffins in it !
– Well Sir, you should see what we feed the horses.
Paddock Cakes.
Who called the baker a sack of shiat?
2 mares, 1 cupcake.
Nevermind the muffins; I want a better look at that fenced cake in the background!
No, you idiot! I wanted hors d’oeuvres, not horse doo doo!
Ah, again Chinese and their “transliteration” of loanwords. Wirdly, there is no established way to write “muffin” in Chinese – both 玛芬 and 马芬 are acceptable. OK, 马 is indeed a horse. 包 is indeed a bag. But how did they come up with manure? 芬 means perfume, sweet smeell or fragrance – pretty much the opposite of the smell of manure :D. Now, there is a word pronounced “fen” and meaning manure (粪), but it’s not only a different character, but also in the wrong tone! Which makes me thinnk: 1) the translator was clearly a human, 2) the… Read more »
@alexmagnus: Maybve someone knew someone who knows English, and the latter was verbally asked to give the translation for “mafen” without any context and with poor pronunciation of the tones…
@DrLex, 6.29am:
– That’s a bag of horse sh!t !
– No, it’s a muffin.
– That’s what I said, innit ?
Maybe they accidentally translated “Meadow Muffin.”
When only the best deficant will do.
Well if you must know, they taste like sh!t
@algernon. I’ll defer to your greater experience.
I have no idea what $h1t tastes like.
@alexmagnus | 5:31 am | Yes, you’re right on the first part. ‘马芬’ was written in simplified Chinese. The proper, traditional version is ‘馬芬’ and pronounced as ‘ma fun’. It is indeed the phonetic translation of ‘muffin’. there is no proper term for the English word ‘muffin’ because muffins are not part of Chinese culture. ‘馬’ (pronounced as ma) is a horse. ‘芬’ (pronounced as fun) means pleasant smell. However, another very similar sounding word ‘糞’ (pronounced also as fun but with a slightly different tone) means ‘poop/manure’. ‘包’ (pronounced as ‘bao’) has several meanings . . . (a) as… Read more »
By the way those things look much more like cup-cakes than muffins.