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Mouth watering…
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Chicken on a spit is fine; The other way around, not so much.
Saliva is a reasonable lubricant – depends on what you intend to do with the chicken.
Chicken with teeth?
Something to dribble on
Saliva Officinalis?
To get saliva that colour, the chicken must have put up one helluva fight!
Tastes like chicken.
Not as bad as the loogie pork.
It’s not really Engrish because that’s exactly what the Chinese characters say. It seems like the Chinese just have very weird dish names.
@DrLex: character by character indeed ((mouth + water = saliva) + chicken), but my dictionary has a normal translation for the whole dish name: “steamed chicken with chili sauce”
Also, who said it is (mouth + water) + chichen and not mouth + (water + chicken), that is, a mouth water bird or mouth frog? That’s the main trouble with Chinese, no spaces.
We have a new contender for the windbag award!
It’s been partially predigested.
Droll not Troll . . . this time I bet you can Drool.
@DnT 0411. The chicken is in reasonably small pieces. You may stick them where you see fit.
@FB 1210 Aww mate. You are too harsh. That is one of the things I Enjoy most ’bout engrish.com. Especially the discourses that run away by themselves, to parts unknown.
@Marum 0511: Now that alexmagnus mentioned the chilli sauce…..
They say, “Anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough”.
@alexmagnus: that is not a translation, it is an explanation. The Chinese name really is “saliva chicken” or “slobber chicken”. On baike.baidu.com, it is explained that the name comes from the fact that the dish has so much Sichuan pepper in it that it can paralyze the mouth and make it hard to control saliva production.