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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
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Shot? It tastes like poss!
Showers are golden
Looks the same inside and out
Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow.
Caution – contents may be recycled.
Suntory Yellow Labe; Whisky.
– Bartender, gimme a Yellow Shot !
– Certainly Sir, if you just care to follow me to the men’s room., I will have it ready for you in a jiffy.
Gives a new meaning to “Old Yellow Stain Blues”.
You would actually have to pee on this can a long time to get it to thaw.
To be served in a shot glass?
When the Nipps have their drinks cold. They mean cold.
Beware of this drink. It’s full of liquid Nitrogen.
Boiling Point of N2 = 195.8C
EDIT -195.8C Thus the -196C on the label.
@Eggrish 06 02
Assuming the can is 350ml. (A Guiness can is 440ml)
It should take an Urine volume of approx 1.1 litres to bring the temp up to 0.0C
Less 0.2% for the volume of Alcohol C2H60.
Ethyl alcohol C2H6O has an SG of 0.8
Water H2O has an SG of 1.0
Alcohol has a lower Calorific equivalent than water.
NB. I did not allow for the loss of temperature (to the air) between the end of your penis and whatever container you have the can in. also I did not allow for the calorific equivalent of the econtainer, or radiation to the surrounding air. Thus the equation become more complex, than at first glance. Assuming you have it on a bench a foot lower than your pelvic bone, there would be about 10% difference maximum, plus a variation of a couple of inches – say another 0.5% – due to the various lengths of a flaccid penises. I am… Read more »
@Marum: Anything needing 1litre+ of urine in a short time becomes a team effort..